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Tuesday 17 March 2015

WOW! Netanyahu Is very close to winning the elections.

Well, the horse may be prepared for the battle but victory lies in the the hands of Jehovah. Against all odds the Jewish Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, seems to be winning the 2015 elections, at least if not that he has already won. 
"With 99.5 percent of the ballots counted, the YNet news site reported Wednesday morning that Mr. Netanyahu’s Likud Party had captured 29 or 30 of the 120 seats in Parliament, sweeping past his chief rival, the center-left Zionist Union alliance, which got 24 seats.
Mr. Netanyahu and his allies had seized on earlier exit polls that showed a slimmer Likud lead to create an aura of inevitability, and celebrated with singing and dancing. While his opponents vowed a fight, Israeli political analysts agreed even before most of the ballots were counted that he had the advantage, with more seats having gone to the right-leaning parties likely to support him. " - The New York Times.

Earlier exit polls had suggested a dead heat with centre-left Zionist Union. With most votes counted, Likud is said to be on course to take 29 seats in the 120-seat parliament, the Knesset, with the Zionist Union on 24 seats. If confirmed, this would indicate another coalition government led by Mr Netanyahu. Mr Netanyahu would need support from other parties to form a coalition.
In a speech to his jubilant supporters in Tel Aviv after Tuesday's polls closed, Mr Netanyahu said he had already spoken to the leaders of other right-of-centre parties about forming a new government "without delay"

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