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Ekklessia Community is dedicated to promoting the word of God to the ends of the world as commanded by our Lord; Jesus Christ. And due to our due to our dedication to this purpose, we rely on the direction of the Holy Spirit for our daily messages which, I can say without doubt, has been making a lot  of impact in the life of all humanity especially, the lost and also heart broken and backsliding Christians. We need you to join us if you also have this burden on your heart.

If you have any website that you think contains spirit filled materials that can change the life of unbelievers and draw believers
closer to their God, This site is one of the best places you can reach your audience. We have a reasonable number of people that visit this site everyday looking for the bread of life; we ca help you bring the word to their door steps. Frankly speaking, we need money, but money is not our goal here but souls that need to be saved daily and weak sheep that need daily strength from the Lord. The Lord is building His church and you and I are the vessels of this building, so our money and all we have we are dedicating to this work of salvation. You can help by employing us as your web advertiser, by taking this step you are also:

        1. Allowing those who live in the rural areas of Africa to have access to your life giving messages.

 2. Giving a financial support to the work of God and He will not cease to reward you greatly.

   3. Making it possible for us to enroll other salvation that the LORD JESUS had lain on our hearts.

We are also into affiliate marketing; if you are selling any spiritual, motivational or inspirational books or any other material that can increase the faith of the children of God, we can be of help. We can help you sell your books on a fair commission or just advertise your book store on our site. We will be very grateful for any job offers.

Do you have a Christian show to advertise, is there any christian conference or programme you want people to know about? You are also at the right place.

Are you a Pastor looking for an official website for your church, an advertisement of your website on a platform that contains a lot of believers, then look no further; I believe Ekklesia Community is a vessel the Lord will use to materialise your desires.

If you have any interest in our services, Please Contact us.

In case you understand what the Lord has done, what He is doing and what He will do; and you feel to support us financially,
Contact us.

                GOD RICHLY BLESS YOU

            ECOM! We Are Family; We Are One.

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