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Saturday 2 May 2015


The Hebrew word most often Used in the Old Testament for "worship" means "bow" and indicates a humble submission like that of a servant to his mater(Genesis 33:3).
In the New Testament, the Greek word that is most often used,"proskuneo" means "an act of respect" (Mathew 8:2, 18:26).
The same idea arises when we talk about man`s worship of God.
We humble ourselves before our Creator, with an attitude of reverence to God, to honor, serve and fear Him for who He is and the expression of admiration of His majesty.

Worship is not only what we do at church. It is not only beautiful songs  and moving music, which would be an external worship.
Worship has nothing to do with style, volume or speed of a song. It is not only prayers, request, or even thanksgiving for the blessings to be received either. True worship that is pleasing to God is the total, complete and joyous giving of the creature to his Creator. It is the abandonment of our lips, our hearts and our lives to God. It is about trusting Him, helping our neighbors. It is not limited to religious buildings.Its must have a priority over anything else. Its a matter of a heart on FIRE for GOD. It is completely selfless act. We do not worship God to have something in return.

The responsibility of any intelligent creature, the first motive of our life is to WORSHIP GOD(Revelation 4:10-11, 14:7)
Beloved, the FATHER seeks true worshipers, those who worship in SPIRIT and in TRUTH(John 4:23-24)
Glory Glory Glory! Keep worshiping God.

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