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About us

The Ekklesia Community, as the name suggests, is a community of Christians who are dedicated to collecting the daily devotional experiences (testimonies, difficulties or temptations, love, teachings etc.) of other Christians all over the world and bringing them to
the door steps of Christianity as a whole for the general edification and growth of the Christendom before the coming of the Lord.
One family


As part of our task, we also bring to you the current issues in modern day Christianity that are of public interest today. The Ekklesia Christian Community also does its best possible to keep you updated in latest gospel music all over the world. We also give room for comments on our daily posts so that all our followers, visitors or more appropriately our brethren will also bring out their testimonies or commentaries on a piece of work published here.

Daily bread

This community will not just bring you news but also spirit filled short and eternal sermons of some powerful writers all over the world. This articles will contain spiritually inspired messages that will bless you daily. You can also subscribe our daily posts as a devotional guide. This will not just be a writing, but will be empowered by the anointing of the Lord from different writers.

Poetry and Philosophy

Poetry according to Plato, a Greek philosopher, is a writing which has its inspiration from the gods. Plato prove his point by stating that most poets are unable to do a very good and vivid explication of their poems. He was a pagan, hence the use of gods. But we are believers of the highest God and our poetry has its inspiration from Him. This Community will bring to you poems that will bless your life from Holy Spirit filled poets. Just by the reading of these poems you will gain spiritual insight into Godly affairs and thus grow in the faith.
We are also into digesting philosophical works of great philosopher and linking them to the existence of God. We believe that Science and philosophy draws us closer to God than we think and the two actually proves the existence of God which, unfortunately, is contrary to the view of many - Find out these things for yourself @

Spiritual and Economic growth

We believe as a community that as Christians, God does not want us to beg for livelihood or good living. It is however true that we need to carry our cross daily and follow him. But His thoughts towards us are not of evil but of good, the one which will bring us to an expected end. Meaning that everything that God allows in our lives, either bad or good, has only one purpose to fulfill – to bring us to and expected end. So looking at this reality, God wishes us nothing but good, just that sometimes the road to that good is not easy.
So this community also serve the Royal Priesthood with inspirational, motivational and money making tips that will help the Christian grow not only spiritually but also financially. We are not promising anything big though, but something that will keep those that have the listening ear going will do – Exploring our various talents to enhance spiritual and economic growth which will create a platform for the betterment of our lives and others in Christ Jesus.

General Information

We are a community of Christians not a church.

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