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Wednesday 18 March 2015


Well the expectation of some have been met as the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu won the Israeli 2015 elections. Prior to the elections, the Prime Minister faced certain challenges from intruding governments, and this made the Prime Minister felt he would lose the elections, thus called on all Israel to assist him maintain the seat of a Prime Minister since he, Netanyahu, believes that his failure to win the elections will put Israel in place of vulnerability - There is a deal offered to Israel by the US government and other super powers to sign a very controversial peace treaty with Palestine, part of this deal include making Palestine a state, this deal Netanyahu refuses to honour believing that it was not in the best interest of his country. The US government led by Obama, however, would not buy that and therefore did everything possible to oust the Likud party leader, Netanyahu.- Well, we are grateful he won and we sing the song of Inspiration with Israel this morning. the elections:

In a stunning and crushing victory, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party came out on top in Tuesday’s highly anticipated and closely watched elections. With 99 percent of the votes counted by early Wednesday morning, Netanyahu’s party appears to have garnered an astounding 30 seats out of a possible 120. The opposition party, Zionist Union, led by Labor’s Issac Herzog, won 24 mandates. When polls closed Tuesday night at 10 pm, Israeli media went into a frenzy publicizing exit polls from across the country. With Likud and the Zionist Union neck and neck, votes counted overnight show a resounding victory for Netanyahu and right-wing parties. The Join Arab List are expected to claim 14 seats, Left Wing party Yesh Atid with 11, Right Wing party Kulanu with 10, and Right Wing party Jewish Home, led by Naftali Bennett, with 8. Ultra-orthodox parties Shas and United Torah Judaism garnered 7 and 6 seats respectively. Yisrael Beytenu, led by Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman, won 6 seats and the ultra-Left Meretz party, led by Tzipi Livin, won 4 seats. Final results will be announced Thursday morning and the official results will be presented to Israeli President Reuven Rivlin. The Likud announced that Netanyahu hopes to form a coalition with the Jewish Home, Kulanu, Yisrael Beytenu, Shas, and United Torah Judaism. Should all the parties agree to be part of the right-bloc coalition government, Netanyahu would be able to govern with some 68 seats. Continue reading...
We wonder what will be the next move of the outside opposing force of the Israeli government.
Rom 13:1-3 (NIV) "Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves."
 Whatever the case the Lord is with His people and He will deliver them from the snares of the enemies. But it is true that some of these strange occurrences are bible prophecies which we cannot prevent from coming to pass we can however, study when and how it will come to pass so that  when the has finally arrived we will not be left in the dark and that what the Ekklesia news is tasked to do. Follow end time news and their explications on Ekklesia news.  And always remember to share.

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