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Showing posts with label News. Show all posts

Saturday 12 September 2015

"Remembering Fourteen YearsAgo, Today" - America still dwelled on Billy Graham's Message of Comfort 14 years ago as they remember the huge tragedy of 2001 yesterday.

"This event reminds us of the brevity and the uncertainty of life. We never know when we too will be called into eternity. I doubt if those people who got on those planes or who walked into the World Trade Center or the Pentagon on Tuesday thought that it would be the last day of their lives. And that's why we each must face our own spiritual need and commit ourselves to God and His will." [] Billy Graham's remarks given at the National Cathedral in Washington, DC, on Friday, September 14, 2001, brought hope and healing to the shocked nation. His words are still powerful, 14 years later. (Photo via BGEA) We come together today to affirm our conviction that God cares for us, whatever our ethnic, religious or political background may be. 

The Bible says that He is "the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles."
(1) No matter how hard we try, words simply cannot express the horror, the shock and the revulsion we all feel over what took place in this nation on Tuesday morning. September 11 will go down in our history as a Day to Remember. Today we say to those who masterminded this cruel plot, and to those who carried it out, that the spirit of this nation will not be defeated by their twisted and diabolical schemes. Some day those responsible will be brought to justice. But today we come together in this service to confess our need of God. We've always needed God from the very beginning of this nation. But today we need Him especially. We're involved in a new kind of warfare. And we need the help of the Spirit of God. The Bible says, "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea."

(2) But how do we understand something like this? Why does God allow evil like this to take place? Perhaps that is what you are asking. You may even be angry at God. I want to assure you that God understands these feelings that you may have. We've seen so much that brings tears to our eyes and makes us all feel a sense of anger. But God can be trusted, even when life seems at its darkest. What are some of the lessons we can learn? First, we are reminded of the mystery and reality of evil. I have been asked hundreds of times why God allows tragedy and suffering. I have to confess that I do not know the answer. I have to accept, by faith, that God is sovereign, and that He is a God of love and mercy and compassion in the midst of suffering. The Bible says God is not the Author of evil. In 1 Thessalonians 2:7 the Bible talks about the mystery of iniquity. The Old Testament Prophet Jeremiah said, "The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure."

(3) The lesson of this event is not only about the mystery of iniquity and evil, but, second, it's a lesson about our need for each other. What an example New York and Washington have been to the world these past few days! None of us will forget the pictures of our courageous firefighters and police, or the hundreds of people standing patiently in line to donate blood. A tragedy like this could have torn our country apart, but instead it has united us. So those perpetrators who took this on to tear us apart, it has worked the other way—it has backlashed. We are more united than ever before. I think this was exemplified in a very moving way when the members of our Congress stood shoulder to shoulder and sang, "God Bless America." Finally, difficult as it may be for us to see right now, this event can give a message of hope—hope for the present and hope for the future. Yes, there is hope. There is hope for the present because the stage, I believe, has already been set for a new spirit in our nation. We desperately need a spiritual renewal in this country, and God has told us in His Word time after time that we need to repent of our sins and return to Him, and He will bless us in a new way. There also is hope for the future because of God's promises. 
As a Christian, I have hope, not just for this life, but for heaven and the life to come. And many of those people who died this past week are in Heaven now. And they wouldn't want to come back. It's so glorious and so wonderful. That is the hope for all of us who put our faith in God. I pray that you will have this hope in your heart. This event reminds us of the brevity and the uncertainty of life. We never know when we too will be called into eternity. I doubt if those people who got on those planes or who walked into the World Trade Center or the Pentagon on Tuesday thought that it would be the last day of their lives. And that's why we each must face our own spiritual need and commit ourselves to God and His will. Here in this majestic National Cathedral we see all around us the symbol of the cross. For the Christian, the cross tells us that God understands our sin and our suffering, for He took them upon Himself in the Person of Jesus Christ. From the cross God declares, "I love you. I know the heartaches and the sorrows and the pain that you feel. But I love you." The story does not end with the cross, for Easter points us beyond the tragedy of the cross to the empty tomb. It tells us that there is hope for eternal life, for Christ has conquered evil and death and hell. Yes, there is hope. I've become an old man now, and I've preached all over the world. And the older I get, the more I cling to that hope that I started with many years ago. 
Several years ago at the National Prayer Breakfast here in Washington, Ambassador Andrew Young closed his talk with a quotation from the old hymn "How Firm a Foundation." This week we watched in horror as planes crashed into the steel and glass of the World Trade Center. Those majestic towers, built on solid foundations, were examples of prosperity and creativity. When damaged, those buildings plummeted to the ground, imploding in upon themselves. Yet, underneath the debris, is a foundation that was not destroyed. Therein lies the truth of that hymn, "How Firm a Foundation." Yes, our nation has been attacked, buildings destroyed, lives lost. But now we have a choice: whether to implode and disintegrate emotionally and spiritually as a people and a nation; or to choose to become stronger through all of this struggle, to rebuild on a solid foundation. And I believe that we are starting to rebuild on that foundation. That foundation is our trust in God. And in that faith, we have the strength to endure something as difficult and as horrendous as what we have experienced this week. This has been a terrible week with many tears. But it also has been a week of great faith. In that hymn, "How Firm a Foundation," the words say, "Fear not, I am with thee; O be not dismayed,/For I am thy God, and will give thee aid;/I'll strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to stand,/Upheld by my righteous, omnipotent hand."

(4) My prayer today is that we will feel the loving arms of God wrapped around us and that as we trust in Him we will know in our hearts that He will never forsake us. We know also that God will give wisdom and courage and strength to the President and those around him. And this will be a day that we will remember as a Day of Victory. May God bless you all. (1) 2 Corinthians 1:3-4, NIV. (2) Psalm 46:1-2, NIV. (3) Jeremiah 17:9, NIV. (4) From "How Firm a Foundation," by "K" in Rippon's Selections, 1787.

Moral lessons for Christians:
God is sovereign and does what pleases Him how He wants it and when He wants it. Whether we humans are happy about the ways of God or not, what we need to do as Christians is to trust and have faith that our God loves us dearly irrespective of the situation we find ourselves in and if He loves us then all that He does is for our own good. 
"Trust in the Lord no matter what befalls."
I will like to use this opportunity to comfort, once again, the Aniewo Family for their great loss and all those in pain. Be inspired this morning by the words of Billy Graham to the mourning America.
God bles syou richly and have a blissful day.
ECOM: We are family; We are one.

Saturday 4 April 2015

Al-Shabaab Attacks Kenyan University Students at Prayers - Christian Headlines.Com


Kenyan authorities have imposed a curfew in the northeast part of that country a day after radical Muslims slaughtered at least 147 Christian university students. The Muslim terror group Al-Shabab has claimed responsibility for the horrific attack.

Now there's a $215,000 reward for a man identified by Kenyan authorities as the mastermind behind the slaughter.
On Thursday morning, four gunmen strapped with suicide vests and armed with AK-47s stormed the Garissa University College in northeast Kenya.
"It was around 5 a.m. We wake up early in the morning for the morning prayers. We tried to turn on the lights, but they were not working," 
one survivor recalled.   

Eye witnesses say the terrorists went from room to room asking students whether they were Christian or Muslim. Those who identified themselves as Christian were murdered on the spot without mercy. It appears the gunmen had extensive knowledge of the campus layout, even targeting an area often used by Christians for prayer.
Many of those killed were reportedly beheaded after being asked to recite verses from the Koran. The siege lasted 13 hours before police finally stormed the university. The gunmen died when they detonated their suicide vests.
"On my own behalf and on behalf of my government, I extend condolences to the families of those who have perished in this attack," 
Kenya President Uhuru Kenyatta said.  
Garissa is close to the Somali border. The town is mainly Muslim but many Christians attend the university.  
The military has stepped up security as a dusk-to-dawn curfew has been ordered in Garissa and three nearby counties.  
Since 2008, Kenya has been at war with Al-Shabab. The group has launched several attacks on Kenyan soil, but Thursday's was by far the deadliest.

Nigeria's President-Elect Will do anything possible to eliminate Boko Haram

A day after becoming the first politician in Nigerian history to succeed a sitting leader by ballot, president-elect Muhammadu Buhari promised on Wednesday to "spare no effort" to defeat Islamist militant group Boko Haram. The 72-year-old general, who first came to power three decades ago via a military coup and campaigned as a born-again democrat, also promised to tackle graft in Africa's largest economy.
"Boko Haram will soon know the strength of our collective will. We should spare no effort," Buhari said in his first formal speech since winning the election. "In tackling the insurgency, we have a tough and urgent job to do."

The group has killed thousands in its push to carve out a caliphate in northeastern Nigeria. Despite the killing of more than a dozen voters by Boko Haram gunmen - who had pledged to derail the poll - the election was one of the most orderly in Nigeria's history. Buhari won the election with 15.4 million votes to outgoing president Goodluck Jonathan's 13.3 million, a margin wide enough to prevent any challenge. In an unprecedented step, Jonathan phoned Buhari to concede defeat and urged his supporters to accept the result, a signal of deepening democracy that few had expected in Africa's most populous nation. Buhari congratulated Jonathan for peacefully relinquishing power on Wednesday. "President Jonathan was a worthy opponent and I extend the hand of fellowship to him," Buhari, wearing a black cap and kaftan, told reporters and supporters to loud applause. 
"We have proven to the world that we are people who have embraced democracy. We have put one-party state behind us." 
The rules state that Jonathan must officially hand over on May 29. His People's Democratic Party (PDP) has been in charge since the end of army rule in 1999 but had been losing support due to oil sector corruption scandals and the government's lack of success in combating Boko Haram. "President Jonathan has placed his country's interests first by conceding the election," U.S. President Barack Obama said. Nigeria's main stock index soared 8.3 percent, posting its single biggest gain this year, and Nigerian dollar-denominated bonds climbed too on relief at the absence of the violence and fraud that has blighted previous elections. "The context has changed ... There have been 16 years of democracy, there's a constitution, there are legal safeguards," British High Commissioner Andrew Pocock told BBC radio. Investors are also cautiously optimistic that any crackdown on corruption by Buhari will stimulate investment and boost flagging growth in the oil-dominated economy.


Cities in the largely Muslim north, where Buhari's core support base lies, erupted in celebration. Jonathan's appeal to his supporters that "nobody's political ambition is worth blood" meanwhile helped calm their frustrations, reducing the chance of post-election violence that blighted the 2011 poll when Buhari lost to Jonathan. Buhari took power in a 1983 coup only to be thrown out 18 months later by another general. He subsequently embraced democracy, running in several elections and despite losing always bouncing back. "I ask that we all be circumspect, respectful and peaceful ... We must begin to heal the wounds," he said. Nigeria remains a complex ethnic mix of 170 million people, split between Muslims and Christians, with more than 500 languages. Though they mostly live side by side in peace, many harbor disputes that politicians have often used to stoke violence that has worsened over the years.
Buhari must also deal with the fallout from a dive in global oil prices in the last eight months which has hammered state revenues and forced two de facto currency devaluations.
"He's a man with a strong sense of mission and he has clear ideas about what he wants to do with Nigeria, on corruption, on restoring national discipline," 
Pocock said. But analysts say cracking down on graft in a country where it is so endemic could take decades.

© 2015 Thomson Reuters. All rights reserved. (CHARISMANEWS)

Tuesday 31 March 2015


Pentagon Declassifies Documents Outlining Israel’s Nuclear Program

"In a move that is certain to continue to upset the already shaky relations between the US and Israel, the Pentagon recently declassified parts of a document that outlines Israel’s plans to build a hydrogen bomb from 1987. The request to publish the report was submitted three years ago, and was declassified in February but only began to gain publicity after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress at the beginning of March. The declassified parts of the document referred only to Israel’s nuclear program and left out the other countries that were involved in building their own nuclear programs at the time, including Italy, France, West Germany and other NATO countries.

The information on those countries continues to remain classified with those sections blocked out in the document. The 386-page top-secret document titled “Critical Technological Assessment in Israel and NATO Nations,” was thinned out to 129 pages and toutes the Israeli program quite highly. The report compares the Israeli facilities such as the Soreq Nuclear Research Center and the Negev Nuclear Research Center near Dimona “to our Los Alamos, Lawrence Livermore and Oak Ridge National Laboratories”, which are key sites in the US nuclear program. It lauds Israeli researchers’ “ingeniously clever” solutions to complicated problems, and “ingenious Israeli inventions.” The declassified documents also cover other fields of Israeli defense technology including lasers and homing devices that were not yet operational at the time.

The release of the Pentagon’s intelligence on Israel’s nuclear program comes after a three year legal battle by journalist Grant Smith, Israel Hayom reported. Smith is the head of a Washington think-tank is known for his extreme anti-Israel sentiments. In spite of some theories that the information was released as part of a revenge tactic by the Obama administration for Netanyahu’s speech to Congress, a White House spokesperson said that Israel did not object to the release of the information, and that according to the freedom of information act, the US government had to release the information unless a foreign government objects to its release. Israel apparently did not object to the information’s release. The move also comes as the US is coming ever closer to an agreement regarding the Iranian nuclear program with the state that funds terrorist organizations that have vowed to destroy Israel and other western countries. The impending agreement has been highly criticized by Israel for many years." - Breaking Israel News. March 30, 2015. 10:10 am

So after all these years, the US government is now declassifying the so called 'Israel nuclear deal'.  All these only point to one fact that the US and its allies are doing whatever it takes to bring Israel down. Now the world can see that Israel is not that clear; they have secrets and one of them is what we are bringing out; Israel is not to be trusted. You may call me a fanatic because I'm not making any valid argument and all my claims and accusations are baseless. Well, you may be right in seeing me through a spectacle like that, but let me ask, why should the pentagon declassify only the part of the document that contains Israel's deal only? There are others involved in this but only Israel gets to pay for her sins! 
What exactly is the future of Israel in these occurrences? If this is a war between the two historic nations, I am sure we all will be convinced that the US will overpower Israel in every angle, but we should also remember that Israel, willy-nilly, is God's own nation and I have never heard or read anywhere that He has ever let them down, so no matter how powerful the US is I will advice that they deal carefully with Israel for their own good. Historically, Egypt who by then was the world's super power dealt wickedly with Israel for 400 years but God came into play and all was said and done the nation Israel, went away victoriously - It may seem for a time that Israel is losing or God has forsaken them, but trust me when I say that after all is said and done, Israel will walk away with victory.

Netanyahu Warns World Ignoring Signs of True Intentions of Iran

"As global powers are set to gather in Switzerland on Monday to resume nuclear negotiations, here in Israel the prime minister is warning that the new deal “paves Iran’s way to the bomb.” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told a delegation of visiting US senators in Jerusalem on Sunday that the P5+1’s bad deal with the Islamic Republic is a major concern for Israel and other Middle Eastern countries.
“We are very much concerned for our common interests by the developments in the Middle East,” Netanyahu told the senators, who are on a visit led by Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY).
“As we are speaking, Iran is rampaging through Yemen; it is conquering the Middle East. This is seen by all countries in the Middle East as a strategic move to dominate the region and therefore we are witnessing something quite unprecedented.”

Netanyahu questioned by Western powers negotiating with Iran are not taking into account the current aggression and uprisings the country is supporting in nearby Yemen. “And as Israel and the Arab countries see Iran progressing with its aggression to conquer Yemen and the Bab el-Mandeb straits, talks continue as usual and go on, on a deal that from everything that we hear paves Iran’s way to the bomb.”
Earlier on Sunday, at the beginning of the weekly cabinet meeting, the prime minister said that the emerging deal was worse than Israel had initially feared. “The Iran-Lausanne-Yemen axis is very dangerous for humanity and must be stopped,” he stated. Negotiators from the US, United Kingdom, Russia, China, France and Germany will attempt to resolve issues that still remain with Iran on Monday. Both Western and Iranian officials are scrambling to meet a March 31 deadline. A senior Iranian negotiator told AFP that certain outstanding issues have yet to be dealt with. “No deal has been reached, and the remaining issues have to be resolved,” he said.
Deadly nuclear weapons
One of the major issues yet to be resolved is the number of centrifuges Iran will be allowed to operate. Iran is said to be considering further cuts to its uranium enrichment program. However, the Islamic Republic is not budging on how long it must limit its access to technology that could be used to make nuclear weapons.
During a break from talks, US Secretary of State told media present in Lausanne, “It’s going all right. We’re working.” His French counterpart, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, said that talks were in the “endgame.”
Israel’s Interior Minister, Gilad Erdan, expressed optimism that there could still be time to influence the terms of the final deal, which had a deadline set for the end of June.
“It’s true that a deal is close, and there is a chance that an agreement on basic principles will be reached in the coming days,” Erdan told Army Radio. “But until the final agreement, which is supposed to be signed with Iran by the end of June, there are still a wide range of diplomatic options.”
“If, God forbid, it happens, Israel will also be required to reassess the whole resulting security situation,” he added." - Breaking Israel New - March 30, 201. 11:00 am

It sounds like the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, is threatened by Iran becoming a nuclear power. Off course he should be threatened because should Iran become a nuclear power, any harm that will be done Iranian government (Whose origin is from Persia), as far as nuclear weapons are concerned, will first be targeted to Israel. You these things are bible prophesies; the Islamic nation will always be against the Jewish nation and the will forever do harm to believers of Jesus Christ not because they are terrorists, but because the bible prophesied so. When God spoke to Haggai, the mother of Ishmael who is a probable and very likely ancestor of the the Islamic nations, He mentioned also that he will stand against everybody not only Israel. What the world powers who may think running behind Iran to become a nuclear power is a fight against Israel only may not realised is that, when Islam stands in their full belief of Jihad, they will not be destroying only Israel but the whole world. Just as Adolf Hitler did to the Jews, and we all know what the results were. The US knowing very well by then that they could have done something to stop Adolf Hitler, did nothing perhaps for the fear of him, but they bear the guilty conscience today hence they hid under the guise of protecting and supporting Israel to purge their guilty conscience. History may repeat itself if nothing is done about this situation. 
The stand of Ekklesia is very clear in this matter - Iran becoming a nuclear power is not a threat to Israel alone but a threat to all of us. Please share this to alert people and all believers should pray about this situation because until the battle of Armageddon, we need a peaceful world to live in and do the perfect will of God.

Monday 23 March 2015

Obama Considering Abandoning Israel at UN

In his first post-election comments, US President Barack Obama issued some harsh criticism against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, further increasing tensions between the two world leaders.
In an interview published Saturday in The Huffington Post, Obama confirmed that he spoke with Netanyahu on Thursday, waiting several days after the election to congratulate the Israeli leader in yet another snub.

The president said he told Netanyahu, “it is going to be hard to find a path where people are seriously believing that negotiations are possible,” in reference to comments made by the Israeli leader during the elections rejecting the idea of Palestinian statehood.
Netanyahu’s comments are seen by critics as a last minute effort to spur supporters to the polls on Tuesday. He also warned that Israeli Arab citizens were voting “in droves,” thereby endangering the possibility of a Likud win in the Knesset.

The prime minister’s comments were quickly condemned as racist by the White House.
“We indicated that that kind of rhetoric was contrary to what is the best of Israel’s traditions. That although Israel was founded based on the historic Jewish homeland and the need to have a Jewish homeland, Israeli democracy has been premised on everybody in the country being treated equally and fairly,” Obama stated.
“And I think that that is what’s best about Israeli democracy. If that is lost, then I think that not only does it give ammunition to folks who don’t believe in a Jewish state, but it also I think starts to erode the meaning of democracy in the country.”

Post elections, Netanyahu seemed to backtrack on his comments rejecting Palestinian statehood. However, the prime minister cleared up his position, saying that he would support a two-state solution only if Israel had a viable Palestinian partner for peace. Netanyahu called on the Palestinian Authority to break its partnership with the Gaza-based Hamas terror group and recognize the legitimacy of a Jewish state of Israel. Until these conditions are met, according to the prime minister, Israel could never agree to peace. Obama, however, remains unconvinced. The president made clear that his administration is currently reviewing its policies towards Israel and other options besides peace negotiations to bring about an independent Palestinian state.

“We take him at his word when he said that it wouldn’t happen during his prime ministership, and so that’s why we’ve got to evaluate what other options are available to make sure that we don’t see a chaotic situation in the region,” Obama said.
When asked whether the US would “continue to oppose Palestinian efforts to gain statehood at the United Nations,” Obama answered that “we’re evaluating what’s taking place.” Should Obama pull support of Israel at the UN, it would reverse decades of US foreign policy.

According to Israel’s Channel 10 news, the 30 minute phone call on Thursday between Obama and Netanyahu left the prime minister with “the impression that he intends to abandon Israel at the UN.”
On Sunday, US Ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro reiterated Obama’s position while speaking to Army Radio. While the US has yet to make an official decision about changing its policies towards Israel, Shapiro said Netanyahu’s “confusing” comments raise doubts about Israel’s true intentions on the peace process.
“I can’t deny that we have serious worries that we are dealing with concerning some of the things that were said at the end of the elections. One of them is the two states for two people solution,” he said.
In a second interview on Israel Radio Sunday morning, Shapiro said that the US’s defense of Israel at the UN is based on Jerusalem’s commitment to a two-state solution.
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Thursday 19 March 2015

Another mystery of the blood moon Solar eclipse revealed As Obama plans a fight back

The coming blood moon eclipse has been traced to a similar one that occurred on April 04, 1492. The blood moon eclipse is said to occur only on very important or significant dates in the history of Israel. 
“Friday’s total solar eclipse is a direct descendant of an earlier eclipse that touched land in the New World during the middle of the 1492 Alhambra decree that ordered the expulsion of the Jews from Spain,” Root Source co-founder Bob O’Dell told Breaking Israel News.
If this is true, that the eclipses only occur on very important dates in the history of Israel, then what important date are we looking forward to on this coming eclipse? How does this significant eclipse affect Israel's current condition in anyway? We are already aware that Prime Minister Netanyahu has won the Israeli 2015 elections against all odds. Could this victory, which was obviously against the US president Barack Obama's will be part of this significant event that these blood moons comes out to mark. According to Jewish scholars, the blood moon is an emblem of God's redemption to Israel and His judgement upon the wicked nations of the earth. 

It is however strange, how the eclipses have occurred in the history of Israel all these years. When signs occur in patterns like this, it is only wise that we look into them more in order to decode the messages they carry (A series of four uninterrupted Blood Moons, known as a tetrad, that fall on Jewish festivals have only occurred in 1967, 1949 and 1493, all years of major significance in Jewish history. Prominent Christian leaders such as Pastors John Hagee and Mark Biltz have pointed to a pattern and identified possible apocalyptic ramifications for the 2014-2015 Blood Moons.BIN). If the blood moon comes to symbolises deliverance for Israel, then Obama and his government will do everything but will still fail. 

Having said that, the US government poses threats to the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu for his stubbornness as their leader, Obama himself, believes a two-state solution is the most optimal resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Well, that's what he thinks, but Netanyahu thinks otherwise, in fact, he begs to differ; according to him the two-state solution will only endanger the life his people.  

The opposing stands of the two leaders only creates curiosity among their followers as some suspects the disagreement may create along the line a more intense conflict between the two. These conclusions were drawn based on the statement made by the US State department spokeswoman Jen Psaki :
"US State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki reiterated that the Obama administration will “absolutely” push for an independent Palestinian state." - BIN
Why will the US government do this "absolutely", like seriously this is surprising. The US government wouldn't just give up on this issue. They will see Israel and Palestine become one state no matter what; this is the same reason Obama did everything within his widest range of power to oust the next Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyhu who will refuses to accept the deal, but he won anyway and now this? What exactly will he profit from these two historic people becoming one? Don't tell me he just want peace because paying people with tax payers money to hit below the belt in a country that is independent is not an act of one that wants peace. So peace is just a cover up what exactly does he want? Its surprising that the media is not looking into that angle, well that's why some of us are here. So all the protection US was giving to Israel and all the friendship and unity and what have you will just disappear simply because of what? If the conflict the media is anticipating really comes into reality, then we will know for sure that the US government only help people to gain what they want and if you fail to give them, you will then experience their deadly rage. What do we say if the Palestinians suddenly got equipped with weapons of war against Israel? Who will be the first suspect? I live that to genuine conscience. 

This is what I say; I don't really know what he wants, but I think the time for what he is fighting for (A biblical prophesy actually) is not yet up so he will continue to lose. And I think is high time someone adviced him because this kind of opposition to the leaders that God Himself have chosen, only lands people into destruction. And I can also say with much confidence that whatever deliverance this blood moon is carrying, is for Israel and whatever judgement this blood moon is carrying is for people like Barack Obama; he better watch-out! For know weapon formed against Israel shall prosper.
Lets pray for Israel, especially the women and children, they are always the victims of cases like this. God bless you as you remember Israel in your prayers.



The antichrist, the antichrist, the antichrist. We should know as Christians that this man of sin as stated by Apostle Paul will not just appear suddenly, he will come for a purpose to rule in the seat of God as he tried to do in the beginning of time, there is none holy as our God, there is no one besides Him, Jehovah is a jealous God and will not let any man take His place and His glory not even the antichrist. Because the devil failed in ruling above God from the beginning, he will descend to take God's place among men and will deceive many to see and worship him as God. 
Dan 9:25-27
25 Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.
26 And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.
27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.
Before the great tribulation, Jerusalem would be restored - What Jerusalem is known for in Israel; the temple where the ark of God containing the trio-union God Jehovah Himself in symbolism (The tablet of the 10 commandments written by the finger of God representing God the Father; The Manna  representing Jesus Christ the bread of life; and the budded staff of Aron representing revival, therefore the Holy Spirit.); the altar of Sacrifice will be restored unto the Messiah the Prince- Jesus Christ - The Prophesy stated that this part of the restoration of Israel which will be for The Messiah Prince, will last for only seven 'Sevens' and sixty-two 'Sevens' (NIV), this restoration will affect the streets also, for they shall be built again and even the walls but all this will happen in the times of trouble. 

What do we see around Israel and Christianity in current times; trouble, the Islamic nations are rising against them (So is the Obama government during the 2015 election times)-The Prime Minister of Israel stated if he is voted out of power, the labour government, fully supported by the Obama government, would easily give in to the 'deal' which will put Israel in a place of 'danger' could this particular fear of Netanyahu among, other things, be the trouble times that Jerusalem will be restored? If yes how long before Netanyahu gets out of power and why is the US government playing a significant role in this?
Well, we don't know yet, but what we do know is that the ALTAR of sacrifice of the Temple of Jerusalem has been rebuilt:

"(Israel)—The Temple Institute has rebuilt an altar to the Lord in Jerusalem, and international scholars are marveling at the significance behind it.
As part of the "Temple Movement" in Israel, the altar was inaugurated in December, and reports indicate it could be ready for Passover.
"We know that end-time prophecy cannot be fulfilled without the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem," says New York Times best-selling author Jonathan Cahn. "The abomination desolation prophesied in Daniel and in the Gospels, must take place within the Temple precincts. So, too, the apostle Paul speaks of the 'man of sin,' or the Antichrist, sitting in the Temple of God. What many people don't realize is that along with the Holy of Holies, the altar of the Temple is the most central and critical part of the Temple."
The Temple Institute's goal "is to rekindle the flame of the Holy Temple in the hearts of mankind through education. Our long-term goal is to do all in our limited power to bring about the building of the Holy Temple in our time," according to their website." - Breaking Christian News (BCN)
The Altar has been built by the Temple Institute whose long-term goal is to do all in their limited power to bring about the building of the temple in their time. Putting the small dots together, after the temple is built, The Messiah Prince will dwell for the number of days stated in the Prophesy, after which He will be cutoff for the 'prince' that shall come. This 'prince' will destroy and desolate the temple. Look at the verse 27 critically, he shall confirm "the covenant" with many for one week (one 'Seven' - NIV). What is these covenant? why is he not making but confirming the covenant? Well, he will rule in abomination till the consummation (until the end that is decreed is poured out on him. - NIV). What are we suppose to do in all these things? do we have any hope? As Christians there is hope for us and in order to partake of this hope, we need to know the times and turn to our God. But they that know their God shall be strong and carryout great exploit(Daniel 11:32b).

Wednesday 18 March 2015


Well the expectation of some have been met as the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu won the Israeli 2015 elections. Prior to the elections, the Prime Minister faced certain challenges from intruding governments, and this made the Prime Minister felt he would lose the elections, thus called on all Israel to assist him maintain the seat of a Prime Minister since he, Netanyahu, believes that his failure to win the elections will put Israel in place of vulnerability - There is a deal offered to Israel by the US government and other super powers to sign a very controversial peace treaty with Palestine, part of this deal include making Palestine a state, this deal Netanyahu refuses to honour believing that it was not in the best interest of his country. The US government led by Obama, however, would not buy that and therefore did everything possible to oust the Likud party leader, Netanyahu.- Well, we are grateful he won and we sing the song of Inspiration with Israel this morning. the elections:

In a stunning and crushing victory, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party came out on top in Tuesday’s highly anticipated and closely watched elections. With 99 percent of the votes counted by early Wednesday morning, Netanyahu’s party appears to have garnered an astounding 30 seats out of a possible 120. The opposition party, Zionist Union, led by Labor’s Issac Herzog, won 24 mandates. When polls closed Tuesday night at 10 pm, Israeli media went into a frenzy publicizing exit polls from across the country. With Likud and the Zionist Union neck and neck, votes counted overnight show a resounding victory for Netanyahu and right-wing parties. The Join Arab List are expected to claim 14 seats, Left Wing party Yesh Atid with 11, Right Wing party Kulanu with 10, and Right Wing party Jewish Home, led by Naftali Bennett, with 8. Ultra-orthodox parties Shas and United Torah Judaism garnered 7 and 6 seats respectively. Yisrael Beytenu, led by Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman, won 6 seats and the ultra-Left Meretz party, led by Tzipi Livin, won 4 seats. Final results will be announced Thursday morning and the official results will be presented to Israeli President Reuven Rivlin. The Likud announced that Netanyahu hopes to form a coalition with the Jewish Home, Kulanu, Yisrael Beytenu, Shas, and United Torah Judaism. Should all the parties agree to be part of the right-bloc coalition government, Netanyahu would be able to govern with some 68 seats. Continue reading...
We wonder what will be the next move of the outside opposing force of the Israeli government.
Rom 13:1-3 (NIV) "Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves."
 Whatever the case the Lord is with His people and He will deliver them from the snares of the enemies. But it is true that some of these strange occurrences are bible prophecies which we cannot prevent from coming to pass we can however, study when and how it will come to pass so that  when the has finally arrived we will not be left in the dark and that what the Ekklesia news is tasked to do. Follow end time news and their explications on Ekklesia news.  And always remember to share.

Tuesday 17 March 2015

WOW! Netanyahu Is very close to winning the elections.

Well, the horse may be prepared for the battle but victory lies in the the hands of Jehovah. Against all odds the Jewish Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, seems to be winning the 2015 elections, at least if not that he has already won. 
"With 99.5 percent of the ballots counted, the YNet news site reported Wednesday morning that Mr. Netanyahu’s Likud Party had captured 29 or 30 of the 120 seats in Parliament, sweeping past his chief rival, the center-left Zionist Union alliance, which got 24 seats.
Mr. Netanyahu and his allies had seized on earlier exit polls that showed a slimmer Likud lead to create an aura of inevitability, and celebrated with singing and dancing. While his opponents vowed a fight, Israeli political analysts agreed even before most of the ballots were counted that he had the advantage, with more seats having gone to the right-leaning parties likely to support him. " - The New York Times.

Earlier exit polls had suggested a dead heat with centre-left Zionist Union. With most votes counted, Likud is said to be on course to take 29 seats in the 120-seat parliament, the Knesset, with the Zionist Union on 24 seats. If confirmed, this would indicate another coalition government led by Mr Netanyahu. Mr Netanyahu would need support from other parties to form a coalition.
In a speech to his jubilant supporters in Tel Aviv after Tuesday's polls closed, Mr Netanyahu said he had already spoken to the leaders of other right-of-centre parties about forming a new government "without delay"

Israli Hit the Polls - Here is how their voting system works

"In Israel's electoral system, citizens theoretically vote for a party rather than a person.
A high turnout is expected in Israel's hotly contested national elections Tuesday. (Photo: Reuters/via Haaretz)
Election Day is a national holiday, with schools and many businesses closed, but public transportation running on a normal schedule. Israelis began voting as early as 7:00 a.m. at more than 10,000 polling stations nationwide. Polls close at 10:00 pm. Disabled or hospitalized citizens, as well people serving time in prison or detention centers also have opportunity to vote. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife, Sara, were among the early voters at a Jerusalem school. Internal polls show his Likud Party may have
closed the gap on the Zionist Union, co-led by Labor chairman Isaac (Yitzhak) Herzog and Hatnua leader Tzipi Livni.
Herzog voted at a Tel Aviv school. All of Israel's 26 parties will focus on the first results, expected late this evening Israeli time. In Israel's electoral system, citizens theoretically vote for a party rather than a person. With his or her vote counting toward a party's total number of mandates in the Knesset or parliament.
An estimated 20 percent of undecided voters could determine the winner. After meeting with party leaders to discuss the formation of a coalition, President Reuven Rivlin will decide which party has the best shot at forming a stable coalition, made up of not less than 61 seats in the 120-seat Knesset." - [CHRISTIAN BREAKING NEWS]

These election is very important in the history of Israel. Personally I think God is in control and His will be done in the life of Israel. After this election Israel may end up signing the peace treaty with Palestine, hence declaring, perhaps as a state. This has been the issue all along - Obama will not see Netanyahu win the elections because Netanyahu, who believes that making Palestine a state will endanger the life of Israel, refuse to allow this to happen. He therefore stood his ground in this issue and if he wins this elections this situation will go on. As a human being, I don't really know what will happen to Israel spiritually when this treaty is signed, but my instinct tells me that there is something fishy going on here; judging  from the obsession with which the US government is pushing Netanyahu to lose the elections and other opinions of people.
But all the same, we are trusting God for a peaceful Israel no matter what. God said he will bless anyone that blessed Israel and will curse anyone that cursed Israel, so anyone who wishes the downfall of this sacred nation, will just end up destroying himself. SHALOM. 


The way things are going in Israel, we are tempted to say that the US has something to gain in today's election should Netanyahu lose. What is it that they want to do that they can't with Netanyahu in power? Obama seems so obsessed with this issue to the extent that he funded, with tax payers money illegally, an underground group called the V15 meaning Victory 2015 to settle in Israel in order to sit to it that Netanyahu loses today's elections. Israeli Prime Minister loses or win the elections, how does that concern Obama and his government? Israel is having an election and Obama is forming a group called Victory 2015 - What victory there is for US government in Israeli elections? Well let's here the story from the horse on mouth:

' JERUSALEM — Under pressure on the eve of a surprisingly close election, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel on Monday doubled down on his appeal to right-wing voters, declaring definitively that if he was returned to office he would never establish a Palestinian state.
The statement reversed Mr. Netanyahu’s endorsement of a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in a 2009 speech at Bar Ilan University, and fulfilled many world leaders’ suspicions that he was never really serious about peace negotiations. If he manages to eke out a fourth term, the new stance would further fray Mr. Netanyahu’s ruinous relationship with the Obama administration and heighten tension with European countries already frustrated with the stalled peace process.
“I think that anyone who is going to establish a Palestinian state today and evacuate lands is giving attack grounds to the radical Islam against the state of Israel,” he said in a video interview published on NRG, an Israeli news site that leans to the right. “There is a real threat here that a left-wing government will join the international community and follow its orders.” ' - New York Times, March 16, 2015.
So Israeli Prime Minister refuses to sign a controversial peace negotiation with Palestine has become a a problem to the US government to the extent that they had hit below the belt to see Netanyahu lose the elections. What will Obama gain from this peace treaty anyway, already? already rumour has it that should this peace treaty be signed, a lot of "unpleasant" things are going to occur. Well let's not put the cart before the horse. What is Netanyahu saying himself about all this? You can click here to watch live interview with Netanyahu, the Jewish Prime Minister. 

' Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyhau said Monday that if he were to be reelected, a Palestinian state would not be created, in a definite disavowal of his 2009 speech, in which he had voiced support for the principle of two states for two peoples. Netanyahu's remarks in an interview with the NRG website - which is owned by casino mogul Sheldon Adelson and tied with the settler newspaper Makor Rishon - were a last-minute attempt to pull right-wing voters away from Habayit Hayehudi."I think that anyone who moves to establish a Palestinian state and evacuate territory gives territory away to radical Islamist attacks against Israel," Netanyahu said. "The left has buried its head in the sand time and after time and ignores this, but we are realistic and understand."' - HAARETZ
So today marks a very symbolic day in the history of the sacred nation Israel. After today's election we will know if Israel will enter into a piece agreement with Palestine or not. After today we will see what the US government will do if Benjamin Netanyahu wins or loses the elections. Not all but at least some of the mysteries will be revealed today. Just keep following the Ekklesia; we will bring all to your door steps.

We are rendering our apologies for the continuous release of news rather than the daily bread message meant to nourish our souls, This month is a significant month in the life of the holy nation Israel, and as a Christian community we deemed it fit to follow the upcoming events in the nation since they are the main example in the history of the walk with God, and there are a lot of mysteries concerning Christ and His Church that can be deciphered by studying the nation with its evolving stories. We pray for your support to contribute your views in order to completely explicate the matter. BE BLESSED BEYOND MEASURE!  

Monday 16 March 2015


Well, this may surprise you as it surprised me. Why cant Obama leave Israel in peace? This amount of intruding does nothing but raise our eye brows. The US has its own election, the British government does evey other country does, but Obama thinks he has a say in the Israeli elections. You will be more surprise if I tell you what Obama is doing to see the current Jewish Prime, Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, out of power. All these dealings of the US government have not appeared in any news apart from the IsraelBreakingNews and Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) surprising huh?

But the area of Interest of Ekklesia in all these issues is 'WHY WON'T OBAMA SEE NETANYAHU WIN THE ELECTIONS?' this is a secret to the world. I know some deceptive politicians who are fully aware of the Obama's black deal will definitely tell the press some concocted stories about this. But Just as Obama won't stop at anything to see Netanyahu lose the election, Ekklesia will also stop at nothing until the reason for this strange interest of the US government in the Israeli elections is dug up. Already, rumour has it that the 'antichrist that is suppose to come will not be an American but a Jew' (By Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart; JSM.ORG) well that sounds stupid and without a prove, but what will happen to Israel should Ben lose the elections. 

Or could it be true that the antichrist will be a Jew? Is that what all these is about; trying to bring into power by force someone that will support and say yes to anything, even if you are not a citizen of the country undergoing the elections, just to pave way for something great in the future? (Who knows, the next thing the US government and all the other influences on the Israeli elections will do is to impose their so called new world other on Israel.) Does the Blood moon eclipse has a role to play in this? (After all, the Jews think its a sign of redemption, the finger of God and also a symbol of judgement upon the wicked nations who may want to hold Israel captive like Egypt did.) Is there some kind of a Biblical prophesy being fulfilled here? How does this relate to the end time signs and symbols? All these questions very necessary and Ekklesia will bring them to your doorsteps(We want our followers to know that we are not the writers of the news, but we explicate these stories to gain the embedded meanings in respect to Bible prophesy concerning the end times) just keep following the stories, but you can also drop your opinion in the comment box, you may be giving us a clue to unraveling all these mysteries. We are really curious to know what is going on in Israel and how it relates to Christianity in the end times so we are determine to put all the small dots together.

A bi-partisan US Senate panel has launched an investigation into allegations that the US State Department provided an anti-Netanyahu political group taxpayer funded grants, Fox News reported on Saturday. The Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations agreed to look into charges that US non-profit OneVoice, and its affiliate V15, who (click to watch video) seek to unseat Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu through grassroots efforts, were funded in part by the State Department.
A source told Fox News that to date, OneVoice has received some $350,000 in departmental grants. Founded in 2002, OneVoice seeks to create a two-state solution to help resolve the Israel-Palestinian peace process. The organization utilizes regular citizens to carry out the grunt work of the organizations causes. The last payment to OneVoice by the State Department came in November 2014, a month before new elections were called in Israel.

OneVoice spokesperson Payton Knox denied that the organization was working with the Obama administration to overthrow Netanyahu. “OneVoice is eager to cooperate with any inquiry,” he said Saturday. “And after a fair examination, we are confident no wrong doing will be found.” Netanyahu’s Likud party claims that the V15 organization, which works alongside OneVoice, “operates with aid from radical leftist groups such as OneVoice and Molad, which are supported by millions of dollars flowing in from Europe (and) the United States.” Continue reading



This is what happens when the Lord pays visit; the people rejoice. Its happening live in Israel once again as in the old times. The Bible recorded how the children of Israel rejoices when the Lord shows the a sign of His mighty hands. Before the red sea, a dried land was seen within walls of waters and they pass through with joy and the Bible said Miriam the sister of Moses rejoiced with the Tambourine. When the Temple was built by Solomon, it was the glory of God that filled it with clouds and the Bible said the Children of Israel rejoiced and praise the Lord with gladness. The next profound event in the History of this sacred nation is the long promised birth of the Messiah coming to reality but its rather unfortunate that Israel did not see this one and they are still paying for their blindness till date. But as clearly stated in the Bible, the Lord does not forsake His children, so here is a sign that the nation regards as a finger of God and this cause for celebration In the whole Israel.

For thousands of years, man has watched the sky for signs from God as to what the future will bring. Over the last two years, and very unique and special celestial phenomenon has been receiving global attention. The current tetrad, or a series of four lunar “blood moons,” are occurring on or just before Jewish holidays over the course of 2014-2015. Many believe that, based on historical evidence, another significant chapter of world history, or at least of Jewish history, is about to occur. The last few times the the occurrence of these lunar anomalies coincided with Passover and Sukkot holidays were in 1967, 1949 and 1493, all of which were just before or after major events in Jewish History. The upcoming blood moon, which will occur on the first day of the Passover holiday, is being preceded by an exceedingly rare solar eclipse, one that happens only every 100,000 years. Many believers are ascribing spiritual meaning to the lunar events. In a recent article published exclusively by Breaking Israel News, people from all over the world chimed on the special significance the upcoming celestial events mean to them. “We pray that people around the world will realize that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is speaking,” one person commented. continue reading...

The significance of the Torah in the mysterious blood moon eclipse - A new insight to the Issue

The Torah
The Torah [Torah (/ˈtɔːrəˌˈtrə/; Hebrew: תּוֹרָה, "Instruction, Teaching"), or the Pentateuch (/ˈpɛntəˌtk, -ˌtjk/)] is the original written of Jehovah - the part of the Bible that states the Lord is derived from the Torah. This sacred book of the Jewish history has become the main source of  reference to Judaism as the Bible is to Christianity. The Jews believed that the Torah was given to Moses by God and this Torah alone is what contains the will and the mind of God. 
We Christians on the other hand believe that the Torah does not contain the entire redemption plan of God, at least that what I believe. The Torah, however, contains some answers that we need as Christians to fully comprehend the total redemption plan of God. But when it comes to symbols and signs - a very significant way of God's communication in both the Bible and the Torah- we need to go back to the Torah if we want to fully understand these signs and symbols. 


There are certain things in the Bible, for reasons I cannot explain due to my limitation as a man, are stated in codes and in symbols. Especially matters concerning the end time. In the book of revelation some of these symbols are the seven seals, the seven lamp stands, the seven stars, the trumpets and others. Most Christians today will always refer to revelations when matters of the end time are being discussed, but it is an inevitable truth that, revelations is just a summary or the gist of all the coded prophesies given to Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Joel, Daniel etc. Therefore if we as Christians want to fully comprehend the issues of the end time, which we must, we need to pay much attention to the old testament and most importantly the Torah. The Bible makes it clear that the secret of the Lord is with those that fear Him, and as at the time the Torah was given only the Children of Israel knew something about the fear of the Lord, so if we need to get much insight about this things we need to look in the direction of the Torah. It is rather a pity that the Jews (those still practicing Judaism) view the Torah as a mere book of laws that they are to obey, being blinded from the meanings and explications that are embedded in this sacred book. In the Torah colours, numbers, dressing codes, buildings, days of the month and many more are all symbols of the reality as the passover lamb is a symbol of the reality which is Christ. Having said that, I stand on the same grounds with Pastor Mark Biltz in this matter:

For centuries, the weekly Torah portion was the exclusive domain of the Jewish people. However, non-Jews have recently started to look into the Torah portion for instruction and meaning as well. Prominent Christian leaders told Breaking Israel News they have found connections to the upcoming solar eclipse in Saturday’s Torah portion and its modern day implications. “The time has come when non-Jews are realizing they have been taught lies. Why would people want a counterfeit when there is an original? We study the Torah portions to connect with the Jews all over world and because we believe the Torah is still relevant today,” Pastor Mark Biltz, the bestselling author of “Blood Moons,” told Breaking Israel News. “I bring in commentaries by Rashi, Rambam, Ramban and others because of the incredible insights. Non-Jews are discovering what they have missed by not studying in context.”
“I have always heard from my Israeli Jewish friends how the Torah portion has been shown over and over again to be relevant to current events in Israel,”  explained Bob O’Dell, co-founder of Root-Source, “and now I am starting to see it for myself.”
O’Dell, a student of astronomy for the last 35 years, discovered this upcoming Friday’s exceedingly rare North Pole eclipse, as first reported by Breaking Israel News.
The total solar eclipse will take place over the North Pole on Friday, March 20, coinciding with the beginning of the Hebrew month of Nissan, the first month in the Biblical calendar year. The particular timing of Friday’s solar occurrence has never happened before in human history. Continue reading...

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