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Tuesday 17 March 2015

Israli Hit the Polls - Here is how their voting system works

"In Israel's electoral system, citizens theoretically vote for a party rather than a person.
A high turnout is expected in Israel's hotly contested national elections Tuesday. (Photo: Reuters/via Haaretz)
Election Day is a national holiday, with schools and many businesses closed, but public transportation running on a normal schedule. Israelis began voting as early as 7:00 a.m. at more than 10,000 polling stations nationwide. Polls close at 10:00 pm. Disabled or hospitalized citizens, as well people serving time in prison or detention centers also have opportunity to vote. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife, Sara, were among the early voters at a Jerusalem school. Internal polls show his Likud Party may have
closed the gap on the Zionist Union, co-led by Labor chairman Isaac (Yitzhak) Herzog and Hatnua leader Tzipi Livni.
Herzog voted at a Tel Aviv school. All of Israel's 26 parties will focus on the first results, expected late this evening Israeli time. In Israel's electoral system, citizens theoretically vote for a party rather than a person. With his or her vote counting toward a party's total number of mandates in the Knesset or parliament.
An estimated 20 percent of undecided voters could determine the winner. After meeting with party leaders to discuss the formation of a coalition, President Reuven Rivlin will decide which party has the best shot at forming a stable coalition, made up of not less than 61 seats in the 120-seat Knesset." - [CHRISTIAN BREAKING NEWS]

These election is very important in the history of Israel. Personally I think God is in control and His will be done in the life of Israel. After this election Israel may end up signing the peace treaty with Palestine, hence declaring, perhaps as a state. This has been the issue all along - Obama will not see Netanyahu win the elections because Netanyahu, who believes that making Palestine a state will endanger the life of Israel, refuse to allow this to happen. He therefore stood his ground in this issue and if he wins this elections this situation will go on. As a human being, I don't really know what will happen to Israel spiritually when this treaty is signed, but my instinct tells me that there is something fishy going on here; judging  from the obsession with which the US government is pushing Netanyahu to lose the elections and other opinions of people.
But all the same, we are trusting God for a peaceful Israel no matter what. God said he will bless anyone that blessed Israel and will curse anyone that cursed Israel, so anyone who wishes the downfall of this sacred nation, will just end up destroying himself. SHALOM. 

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