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Saturday 18 October 2014

Grace through the Cross Part II



Once again, we must look to the Cross of Christ for the answer to the question above. It was the Cross of Christ that signaled
Your Grace is rest assured through the Cross
the beginning of the dispensation of grace, which is the age we live in today. It was Jesus Christ and what He did at Calvary that made it possible for all believers to bask in the grace of God in a bountiful way. But as the Cross of Christ makes it possible for us as believers to enjoy the grace of God in a bountiful way, so too is the Cross of Christ which guarantees the grace of God to flow to us, in us, and through us in an uninterrupted way.
Listen to what John the Beloved said: “For the Law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ” (John. 1:17). This refers to what Jesus Christ would do at Calvary. This grace, which can flow uninterrupted, was

made possible by Jesus Christ. Never forget that. As well, if our faith is anchored and secured in Christ and the Cross, we can rest assured that His grace can flow in our lives every day uninhibited, which is the only way that we can live an overcoming, victorious life over the sin nature.


“When I look to Christ and Him crucified, His grace will completely cover me, inside and out, with that flow of grace covering me from head to toe.”
His Grace is Sufficient
The other day, it was a Thursday if I remember clearly and after our evening campus meeting service, we were returning from the meeting, as a family, to our various destinations, when service let out it was in the night around 9: 00 pm, but there was no sign of rain. But the moment we were about to get to one of the halls, it was as if the heavens parted and the rain came pouring down upon us. We had no umbrella and because of that, we were getting wet so we had to run for shelter in the hall just in front of us. Needless to say, I did not get completely wet though because the hall was not very far from where we standing. But that afternoon, it got me to thinking about the grace of God, and how that the Cross of Christ, and my faith in that finished work guarantees the help of the Holy Spirit, which allows His grace to flow uninterrupted in my life. Without an umbrella, the water from the rain will completely cover me head to toe, but if I had had the umbrella, I would have remained dry. Likewise, when I look to Christ and Him crucified, His grace will completely cover me, inside and out, with that flow of grace covering me from head to toe. However, the moment I begin looking to something other than the Cross of Christ, no matter what it is (my strength, affluence, uprightness etc.), I open up that spiritual umbrella which stops the grace of God from flowing in my life uninterrupted, which in turn keeps me dry. This is what Paul would refer to as frustrating the grace of God “I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness [come] by the law, then Christ is dead in vain.”
(Gal. 2:21). It is the Cross of Christ, and the Cross of Christ alone, that allows the grace of God to flow in our lives in a constant manner, which brings about the victory in our lives.

May you also be a partaker of this grace, God richly bless you and keep you safe for the manifestation of His glory. Always come to the Ekklesia Christian Community webpage for spirit filled messages, poetry etc. to start, continue and end a wonderful day.

Contact us on our contact page if you want to give your life to the Lord Jesus.

                            ECCOM, Jesus is Lord !

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