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Friday 6 March 2015


Philemon 1:6-
 "That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus."
We realise that God gave everybody He created a unique gift, talent, aptitude, capabilities etc. God gave us all something that we all can use to overcome our various challenges and difficulties in life. This peculiar capability is what we can also use to achieve our dreams in life. Wherever you find yourself, so long as you are trusting God, I can tell you with all certainty that there is provision for you with God, and He is expecting something very extraordinary, some thing peculiar to you alone from you. It is therefore not a coincidence that you find yourself where you are now - you are there on a mission accomplish it; there is a Godly vision discover it; there is an opportunity cease it and make gain for the Kingdom of God and for yourself.


The silver spoon in your mouth

God created man for a purpose. Everything that God does is for a purpose and there is nothing that is a coincidence. Now if we know certainly that God deposited a resource of His own in us, then we should also know that these resources are for a peculiar purpose. The most intriguing mystery behind these investments of God is that they are different from one person to the other both in nature and in number, so that, every person has a different kind of talent and we all do not possess the amount or quantity of talents. Some have more others less. The question continue to crop up; why should God deposit His resources in us, why are the resources different from one person to the other and why are some  people gifted than others? This is a mystery of the ages. Well, some may argue that these natural human resources are just the arts of God and may not necessarily be there for a reason. Some also argue that the peculiar talents we have a just there to show how great and powerful God is. In as much as these claims may be true, we hear apostle Paul admonishing Philemon that, the communication of his faith will be effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing in him in Christ Jesus. In other words, Paul, the apostle, is telling Philemon not to live any stone unturned and that the manifestation of his faith will only be effective if he fully acknowledge or put to use the good things that are in him in  Christ Jesus. We can therefore say that, one purpose of our talent (every good thing in us) is for the communication of  our faith, in this case, the faith in Christ Jesus. We should always keep in the back of our mind that God is a businessman and He has no intention of loss. From the dawn of time God has invested in man, the greatest of which is His only begotten son Jesus Christ. When you read through the bible, you will realise that God has made so much investment in Israel as a
nation, this investment is for His eternal purpose (the eternal purpose will be later explained). There are two  main types of investment in the plan of God - The Physical And the Spiritual investment.


God invested in you

The physical Investment of God is the natural talents we have as human beings and the opportunities and privileges we enjoy along
the way. It is a sorry story today that most people are not using these natural resources the in the way God want them to use it. Most people possessing these natural gifts are not even Christians and those who are Christians are laying bans on some of them. In this section of my article, I will like to call on all talented fellows who are  wasting their time with the world to come to the Lord Jesus, because whatever achievement you made without him is not
recorded as a gain in the Kingdom of God but rather in the Kingdom of darkness.
 "The thief cometh not, but for to steal,
and to kill and to destroy: I come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly" - John 10:10. 
Satan is a thief, he is using what God gave you to restore his already defeated Kingdom; guy! shine your eyes. Use what you have to serve the one who gave them to you. The gift of God is not for our personal enjoyment only. The enjoyment is a bonus which will definitely the moment you put our talent into a judicious use irrespective of how. But If you are only interested in your personal gain and enjoyment and all you use your talent for is to make profit for your own pleasure and delight, you will be liken to the rich fool in Luke 12: 16-2 :
"An He spake a parable unto them, saying, the ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully: [17] And he thought within himself saying, what shall I do, because I have no more room where to bestow all my fruits? [18] And he said this will i do: I will pull down my barns and build grater; and there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods. [19] I will say to my soul, Soul, thou has much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry. [20] But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided? [21] So is he that layeth up treasure for himself, and not rich toward God." 
Beloved this nobleman did nothing humanly wrong, he is just preparing for retirement (Retirement plan), but he forget that the land (resource or talent or gift) is given to him by God not for his pleasure but for a purpose.  He used the resource judiciously alright, but he missed the purpose for the resource. So if you are a singer, musician, a rapper, business tycoon, a communicator with good  skill of articulation, a man of high Intelligent Coefficient or an
actor or an actress, a writer, computer wizard etc. God is calling you this morning to surrender yourself for his use. Hello nuclear physicist, don't create atomic bombs; Hi rapper stop the hip-hop; Mr Computer wizard stop the hacking - For God is offering you a better opportunity to make an impact that will outlast even time.
The worst thing is to be an inefficient Christian. Most children of God, today, are all prayer warriors, pastors etc. Most of us Christians have neglected the physical gift of God and are only more focused on the spiritual, well, no t bad, but Paul the apostle told Philemon to acknowledge EVERY GOOD THING IN HIM in Christ Jesus not some of them. Who told you God does not need spirit filled rappers to edify the church, who say the church today does not need poets, writers and business tycoons. Look at the world today, action movies, romantic series, sexually explicit films and all kinds of unholy videos are dominating and you are sitting there with the talent of an actor claiming you are a christian, so you don't want to be an actor. The bible says we should guard our heart with all diligent for out of it comes the issues of life; one of the gate way to the  heart of man is the eye, in fact it is the most effective passage anyone can use to get into your heart. The devil knew this so he has dominated all visuals with himself and will make sure that nothing of Christ's is seen in the visuals all over the world. Arise and build the Church of the Lord with your physical resource, I'm a writer; I've done my part is now your turn. We will continue with the SPIRITUAL INVESTMENT in our next article.

God bless you as you read this and grant you much grace to make return on His investment in you. Remember we are reaching the whole world so once again, Sharing is Caring. Share with everyone.


                         ECOM! We are; We are One 

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