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Wednesday 4 March 2015

I WILL REMEMBER - donnie swaggart

Psalms 77:10-12 :
“And I said, This is my infirmity: but I will remember the years of the right hand of the
most High. I will remember the works of the Lord: surely I will remember Your wonders of old. I will
meditate also of all Your work, and talk of Your doings.”
PSALM 77 WAS WRITTEN by Asaph. Asaph was one of the great choir directors during David’s time as it regarded the ministry of tabernacle worship. Asaph wrote 12 psalms, both the words and the music, and then presented them in tabernacle worship. As well, according to Matthew 13:35, Asaph was also considered a prophet.


In Verse 2 of Psalm 77, Asaph states, “In the day of my trouble.” While we don’t know exactly what kind of trouble Asaph was
experiencing, it was obviously something of great consternation. He would also say, “my sore ran in the night, and ceased not,” meaning
Satan tries to plant doubt in our he
there was no rest for him. The “trouble” was Satan using his situation to try and convince Asaph that the Lord was not interested in helping him. In Verse 7, he asked, “Will the Lord cast off forever? and will He be favorable no more?” Verse 8 states, “Is His mercy clean gone forever? does His promise fail forevermore?”



Satan is a liar. He is an accuser. He bombards our minds with all kinds of thoughts of some horrible outcome and the lie that the
Lord doesn’t care about us. He wants us to believe the lie. He wants us to dwell on the negative, but just think for a moment.
Every one of us has endured times of great crisis, and we have experienced the voice of Satan telling us all the bad things that are

going to happen, yet, we are all still here. If Satan could do all the things that he tries to convince us, don’t you think he would have already done it? Trouble and distress are going to happen. You need to understand that. There is no such thing as a life of ease and comfort. For faith to grow and mature, faith must be tested. Satan’s desire is for us to take our eyes and thoughts off the Lord Jesus Christ and to put them upon us and the problem. Preoccupation with self gives Satan the stronghold he desires. When we focus on self, self becomes larger and larger, and the Lord becomes smaller and smaller. So, what are we to do? The answer is found in this psalm.


Seek the L
Asaph states, “In the day of my trouble, I sought the Lord.” Faith and fellowship cannot grow without relationship, and relationship can only develop through prayer. To seek the Lord speaks of prayer. It is through prayer that the Holy Spirit can deal with us, speak to us, and give us comfort and direction. The majority of the church world today has become so psychological that we are no longer told to seek the Lord, but we are told to get “professional help.” Man cannot help you. Only the Lord can help you, and besides, you can’t get any more professional than the One who created the heavens and the earth.


In Verse 10, Asaph then said, “But I will remember the years of the right hand of the most High.” Remember what? We are to remember all of our past blessings in Christ Jesus. We are to remember from where Christ brought us. We were lost, sinners headed for judgment and damnation, but Jesus Christ saved us, cleansed us from sin, and adopted us into His family. As we remember His past workings on our behalf, then faith begins to grow for today and for the future. He then said in Verse 11, “I will remember the works of the Lord.” We are to remember what is given in His Word — all of His great acts for us. He went on to say, “Surely I will remember Your wonders of old.” This statement refers to all the mighty miracles found in the Bible. We are to read them, think on them, speak them, and pray them. When this is done, then the Lord becomes bigger and the problem becomes smaller.


In Verse 12, Asaph said, “I will meditate also of all Your work.” This means that we should constantly be thinking of that which the Lord has done, which, in turn, builds faith. You can meditate on self and become self-absorbed, or you can think on the good things of the Lord. There is an old spiritual saying: “I woke up this morning with my mind stayed on Jesus.” Just think how much easier our lives would be if our minds were constantly meditating on Christ Jesus.


Luke 6:45 says, “For of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.” The more you talk of all the Lord’s doings, the more faith begins to grow. The more you talk of your problems, the more doubt and faithlessness grows. Murmuring and complaining never develops faith, but constant speaking of the Lord and His mighty acts will always produce faith. What do you remember? What do you meditate on? What do you speak?

Beloved, the Lord has spoken to you once again through this wonderful piece by Donnie Swaggart. The Bible says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God, as the article clearly stated, the more you read and meditate on the word of the Lord the stronger your faith grows. This morning I urge you all, brothers and
Always read, pray-read and meditate on the word of God
sisters to read the word of God, pray-read them and meditate on them; use the word of God as comfort, anchor, guide and a reference point in your life and I promise, you  will go far in all your endeavours. 

Always remember sharing is caring and share this with everybody. God bless you and keep you safe.

                 ECOM! We are Family; We are One

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