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Friday 13 March 2015

Mzbel responds to ‘Jesus Christ’ issue - The view of Ekklesia about the case

Is she her fault that she doubts Christ?
We all heard what Mzbel said about Jesus Christ, but I still think is very wrong for Christians to be attacking the celebrity on the Social platform. What! Ekklesia like seriously? Yes like seriously. We are not the group of people that attack individuals, irrespective of the means, because of what they believe or because of what they think of what we believe in. There are religious groups all over the world today that attack people because of their faith and I don't think Christianity is one of them. The video of how Christians made her feel

To Watch The Video CLICK HERE

We are the God loves you kind of people, we bring hope to people like Mzbel and show them that Christ loves them irrespective of their view concerning Him. Today many Christians are making Christianity what it is not, this is a typical example. You see brethren, the Bible says we are saved by grace, there is not even one Christian today that is a Christian because he is capable of detecting what is real from what is not. We were all lost but through the mercies of God we found by Christ.
If Mzbel think Christ is not real, she has never been a Christian, but someone who came around to test the existence of Christ or she has been but not really rooted in faith, so when the storm came she drifted away.

What should a Christian do in this case

Should we sit down for people to say anything about Christ? The Bible says the servant is not greater than the master; Jesus Christ, while He was still among men, had a lot of things said about Him, right before His holy eyes, but He did not attack anyone Himself, not physical, emotional or even verbal - for the Bible says He was tested but in Him was found no sin - so why should we His followers now attack people. Defending your faith, as said in the Bible, is not about attacking other people, but rather proving to the world irrespective of what they say that your faith in Christ is real.
As a Christian, I advice that in cases like this we should rather pray for Mzbel. She sounded like really bold, but trust me, she is the victim here for not believing in Christ, so let pray for her and wish that the Lord will one day open here eyes unto the truth. Instead of saying words of hurt, let's tell her that God loves you and by so doing we will give her a reason to surrender back to Christ.

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