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Give your life to Jesus

Isaiah 1: 18 - 19:

  "Come let us reason together, saith the  Lord: though your since be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land"

The calling of the Lord is sounding very loud all over the earth; today, by the mercies of the Lord,
you are one of those who have heard the call, I pray you adhere to it. For the word of the
Lord says today, today if you here His voice do not hardened your heart.       

We are very happy that you have decided to surrender your life to the Lord Jesus Christ.The fact that you conceived in your heart to give your life to the Lord is an indication that you have been predestined from the foundation of the world to be part of the sons of God, I mean the creator of the universe. Isn't that awesome? You are most blessed my dear friend for this great step you are about to take in your life. This may sound surprising, but trust me, this is the most important decision you are about taking in your life, therefore it will be very important and expedient that you understand what it means to give your life to Jesus.

What Does It Mean To Accept The LORD JESUS CHRIST as My Lord and Personal Saviuor?

The answer is very simple; When you confess Jesus Christ as your Lord; when you accept Him to become the Lord of your life, you are simply inviting Jesus to become the ruler of your life, you will no longer be alone in decision making. Before you take any major step in your life you have to inquire from Him through prayer. Jesus will become your Lord and you will be His servant - you will serve Him by living for Him and bringing others to Him. Don't be scared I just want to be frank with you - Christ Jesus is actually a kind Lord who is deeply in love with all His servants and will not give them any duty they cannot carry out, in fact, if you are true to His course and diligent in  the fellowship with Him daily through His word, He will do all that there is for you to do through you; all you have to do is trust and depend on Him completely.
The Lord Jesus Christ does not impose His will on you, He will allow you to do things willingly - He will however warn and advise you to obey Him for your own good. The main reason He came to die for you is for you to have eternal life and to live a fulfill and purposeful life, hence it will hurt Him to see you go astray so he will do everything possible to bring you to your expected end but not without your cooperation.

Secondly when you confess Christ as your Lord and Saviour it also indicates that he will be your saviour in all manner of situations. You have to trust and have faith in Him always, you will not have shelter and refuge in any other (trust me no one can provide those for you) except Him.

Note: when  you live without Jesus; your life is a waste, but when you die without Jesus; It would have been better for you not to be born at all. It is appointed unto man once to die and after death Judgement Only Jesus can secure your eternity. Don't be afraid you will never regret this decision.

Now if you are ready, repeat the following words in all sincerity and truth:

Dear God, according to your word, I accept I'm a sinner  and I fall short of your glory. Today I've realised that I've gone astray and I pray that you forgive all my sins and wash me with the blood of Jesus that I will be clean. From this moment till the end of my life, I surrender my life to you Lord Jesus, because I believe you came to dwell among men where you died on the cross for my sins therefore I accept you Lord Jesus as my Lord and I confess you as my personal saviour. Dear Jesus I pray that you come into my heart, and be Lord and master over my life, wash me with your blood and take charge of the affairs of my life from now unto eternity, In the name of Jesus I pray Amen.

If you have faithfully prayed this prayer I can assure you that you have receive the salvation of our Lord Jesus Christ and your life will never be the same. You are now going to travel on the narrow path of Christ which leads into glory. Don't be upset by the difficulties that will come your way, just trust in the Lord and you will be fine. Jesus has already prayed for the protection of those that will believe in His name, that prayer is written in the book of John 17. Read the whole chapter. God bless you.

You can contact us for directions and if you ever need help, we are here for you. We will do
anything within our power to make sure have a good spiritual growth.


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