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Thursday 19 March 2015

Another mystery of the blood moon Solar eclipse revealed As Obama plans a fight back

The coming blood moon eclipse has been traced to a similar one that occurred on April 04, 1492. The blood moon eclipse is said to occur only on very important or significant dates in the history of Israel. 
“Friday’s total solar eclipse is a direct descendant of an earlier eclipse that touched land in the New World during the middle of the 1492 Alhambra decree that ordered the expulsion of the Jews from Spain,” Root Source co-founder Bob O’Dell told Breaking Israel News.
If this is true, that the eclipses only occur on very important dates in the history of Israel, then what important date are we looking forward to on this coming eclipse? How does this significant eclipse affect Israel's current condition in anyway? We are already aware that Prime Minister Netanyahu has won the Israeli 2015 elections against all odds. Could this victory, which was obviously against the US president Barack Obama's will be part of this significant event that these blood moons comes out to mark. According to Jewish scholars, the blood moon is an emblem of God's redemption to Israel and His judgement upon the wicked nations of the earth. 

It is however strange, how the eclipses have occurred in the history of Israel all these years. When signs occur in patterns like this, it is only wise that we look into them more in order to decode the messages they carry (A series of four uninterrupted Blood Moons, known as a tetrad, that fall on Jewish festivals have only occurred in 1967, 1949 and 1493, all years of major significance in Jewish history. Prominent Christian leaders such as Pastors John Hagee and Mark Biltz have pointed to a pattern and identified possible apocalyptic ramifications for the 2014-2015 Blood Moons.BIN). If the blood moon comes to symbolises deliverance for Israel, then Obama and his government will do everything but will still fail. 

Having said that, the US government poses threats to the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu for his stubbornness as their leader, Obama himself, believes a two-state solution is the most optimal resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Well, that's what he thinks, but Netanyahu thinks otherwise, in fact, he begs to differ; according to him the two-state solution will only endanger the life his people.  

The opposing stands of the two leaders only creates curiosity among their followers as some suspects the disagreement may create along the line a more intense conflict between the two. These conclusions were drawn based on the statement made by the US State department spokeswoman Jen Psaki :
"US State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki reiterated that the Obama administration will “absolutely” push for an independent Palestinian state." - BIN
Why will the US government do this "absolutely", like seriously this is surprising. The US government wouldn't just give up on this issue. They will see Israel and Palestine become one state no matter what; this is the same reason Obama did everything within his widest range of power to oust the next Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyhu who will refuses to accept the deal, but he won anyway and now this? What exactly will he profit from these two historic people becoming one? Don't tell me he just want peace because paying people with tax payers money to hit below the belt in a country that is independent is not an act of one that wants peace. So peace is just a cover up what exactly does he want? Its surprising that the media is not looking into that angle, well that's why some of us are here. So all the protection US was giving to Israel and all the friendship and unity and what have you will just disappear simply because of what? If the conflict the media is anticipating really comes into reality, then we will know for sure that the US government only help people to gain what they want and if you fail to give them, you will then experience their deadly rage. What do we say if the Palestinians suddenly got equipped with weapons of war against Israel? Who will be the first suspect? I live that to genuine conscience. 

This is what I say; I don't really know what he wants, but I think the time for what he is fighting for (A biblical prophesy actually) is not yet up so he will continue to lose. And I think is high time someone adviced him because this kind of opposition to the leaders that God Himself have chosen, only lands people into destruction. And I can also say with much confidence that whatever deliverance this blood moon is carrying, is for Israel and whatever judgement this blood moon is carrying is for people like Barack Obama; he better watch-out! For know weapon formed against Israel shall prosper.
Lets pray for Israel, especially the women and children, they are always the victims of cases like this. God bless you as you remember Israel in your prayers.


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