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Monday 16 March 2015


This is what happens when the Lord pays visit; the people rejoice. Its happening live in Israel once again as in the old times. The Bible recorded how the children of Israel rejoices when the Lord shows the a sign of His mighty hands. Before the red sea, a dried land was seen within walls of waters and they pass through with joy and the Bible said Miriam the sister of Moses rejoiced with the Tambourine. When the Temple was built by Solomon, it was the glory of God that filled it with clouds and the Bible said the Children of Israel rejoiced and praise the Lord with gladness. The next profound event in the History of this sacred nation is the long promised birth of the Messiah coming to reality but its rather unfortunate that Israel did not see this one and they are still paying for their blindness till date. But as clearly stated in the Bible, the Lord does not forsake His children, so here is a sign that the nation regards as a finger of God and this cause for celebration In the whole Israel.

For thousands of years, man has watched the sky for signs from God as to what the future will bring. Over the last two years, and very unique and special celestial phenomenon has been receiving global attention. The current tetrad, or a series of four lunar “blood moons,” are occurring on or just before Jewish holidays over the course of 2014-2015. Many believe that, based on historical evidence, another significant chapter of world history, or at least of Jewish history, is about to occur. The last few times the the occurrence of these lunar anomalies coincided with Passover and Sukkot holidays were in 1967, 1949 and 1493, all of which were just before or after major events in Jewish History. The upcoming blood moon, which will occur on the first day of the Passover holiday, is being preceded by an exceedingly rare solar eclipse, one that happens only every 100,000 years. Many believers are ascribing spiritual meaning to the lunar events. In a recent article published exclusively by Breaking Israel News, people from all over the world chimed on the special significance the upcoming celestial events mean to them. “We pray that people around the world will realize that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is speaking,” one person commented. continue reading...

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