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Saturday 21 March 2015

Armies of the antichrist revealed Part I - There are Traces of their preparation towards the Battle of Armageddon against Israel

 Participants in the Battle of Armageddon - Jimmy Swaggart (The Evangelist)

“And He gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon” (Rev. 16:16).
WE Will deal with Israel first.There is no evidence that anyone in the world at that time, even America, will stand up for Israel. In other words, they will more than likely be facing the most powerful army the world has ever known, and they will do so alone. There is no indication in the Bible, of which I am aware, that speaks of any nation in the world helping Israel at that time. It will be somewhat
like the situation was at the outset of World War II. Ships loaded with tens of thousands of Jewish refugees sailed from Europe and tried to find harbor in New York City. President Roosevelt would not allow them to disembark. His reason: it might antagonize Herr Hitler. Some of the same ships went down to South America but, again, to no avail. They concluded their journey by going back to Europe, with most of those Jews gassed to death in the concentration camps. Among other things, no doubt, Hitler reasoned that no one cared if Jews lived or died, so he could take his freedom in slaughtering as many as he could find, and that’s exactly what he did.

That’s at least one of the reasons that America, plus most other nations of the world, had a guilty conscience after World War II. America knew that she could have exerted some pressure on Hitler, which would have lessened the blow, but the upshot was, nothing was done. In the coming great tribulation, likewise, the greater  majority, if not all the nations of the world, will have no desire to antagonize the Man of Sin. The evidence is that even those who will consider themselves to be neutral will not lift a hand to help Israel so as not to bring the wrath of the Antichrist upon their heads. It must be remembered that at that particular time, at least, for the first few days, it will look as though the Antichrist is going to accomplish what Haman, Herod, and Hitler did not do. It will look as though he is going to annihilate every Jew, which means a wholesale massacre. So, Israel will fight alone. And yet, despite being outnumbered, possibly hundreds to one, the great Prophet Zechariah did say the following:
“In that day shall the LORD defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and he that is feeble among them at that day shall be as David; and the house of David shall be as God, as the angel of the LORD before them” (Zech. 12:8).


The idea of all of this is, even though the army of Israel will, no doubt, be outnumbered greatly by the army of the Antichrist, still, the Lord will make the Israeli soldiers as David of old, meaning that one will have the strength of 10 men or more. And then, the tribe of Judah will have the unexcelled power of God. But still, even though this supernatural ability given to the Jewish soldiers by the Lord will help greatly, that alone will not see them through because of the overwhelming superiority of the army of the Antichrist. However, as one might say, as that which the Lord will do will be so very, very helpful, still, it is not the main entrée. The main entrée will be the second coming of the Lord, which we will deal with later.


While the Bible gives us a few clues regarding that of which this army will be made, I’m sure it is only scratching the surface. No doubt, every nation conquered by the Antichrist will be forced to supply as many soldiers as the Man of Sin says are needed.
The Bible does give us a clue about at least some of those who will be with the Man of Sin. The first one is Persia. This, of course, is Iran. Many people do not know that Iran is not Arab, but rather Persian. Its history goes back some 2,500 years. The Iranians now, as is obvious, are rabid haters of Israel, swearing her destruction time and time again. In fact, Israel, at this present time, is on the horns of a dilemma. They have the power to take out Iran, but it
would entail the slaughter of tens of thousands of Iranians, which the world would not sanction. At the same time, America, sadly and regrettably, is not doing anything about the proliferation of atomic power regarding Iran, which is working feverishly to develop its own atomic arsenal. Strangely enough, the surrounding Arab nations wish that Israel would do something simply because Iran hates them almost as much as they hate Israel. So, Israel is attempting to slow down, if not halt, the atomic development in Iran by taking out, in various different ways, her top scientists, etc. Israel is fastly finding herself with precious few friends. That’s the reason that when the Antichrist makes his debut, claiming to be able to solve the problem between Israel and the Muslims, and, in fact, will do so, this will be the greatest thing in the eyes of the world that has happened in the last several decades.
Israel also listed the following countries:
 Ethiopia: This is a small country located on the eastern side of the middle part of the continent of Africa. About all they could contribute to the army of the Antichrist would be soldiers, but yet, of little consequence.
 Libya: this little country is in northern Africa and, as well, can supply precious little in the form of military help. If it is to be noticed, when the Bible mentions weapons of war, it mentions
that which is indicative of that particular time, such as the sword, bucklers and shields. However, that doesn’t mean that this battle will be fought with weapons of antiquity. Far from it! In fact, the Antichrist, no doubt, will have the finest weaponry in the world. And yet, it is doubtful that he will have atomic bombs. It should be obvious that if the sacred writers had used the names of modern
weapons, Bible scholars for many centuries would have been deeply puzzled, not understanding at all what the names of the weapons would have meant. So, the weapons of that time were rightly listed. However, make no mistake about it, the weapons that will be used in the coming great tribulation will be the very finest available.
Gomer: There is some small evidence that these people came from the Ukraine, which was a part of the Soviet Union when communism  was in power. It now has its own sovereignty. Some have claimed that Gomer referred to Germany; however, there is really no proof of that.
Togarmah: some think these people may have come from what is now Iraq,but again, that is only speculative.

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