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Tuesday 31 March 2015


Pentagon Declassifies Documents Outlining Israel’s Nuclear Program

"In a move that is certain to continue to upset the already shaky relations between the US and Israel, the Pentagon recently declassified parts of a document that outlines Israel’s plans to build a hydrogen bomb from 1987. The request to publish the report was submitted three years ago, and was declassified in February but only began to gain publicity after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Congress at the beginning of March. The declassified parts of the document referred only to Israel’s nuclear program and left out the other countries that were involved in building their own nuclear programs at the time, including Italy, France, West Germany and other NATO countries.

The information on those countries continues to remain classified with those sections blocked out in the document. The 386-page top-secret document titled “Critical Technological Assessment in Israel and NATO Nations,” was thinned out to 129 pages and toutes the Israeli program quite highly. The report compares the Israeli facilities such as the Soreq Nuclear Research Center and the Negev Nuclear Research Center near Dimona “to our Los Alamos, Lawrence Livermore and Oak Ridge National Laboratories”, which are key sites in the US nuclear program. It lauds Israeli researchers’ “ingeniously clever” solutions to complicated problems, and “ingenious Israeli inventions.” The declassified documents also cover other fields of Israeli defense technology including lasers and homing devices that were not yet operational at the time.

The release of the Pentagon’s intelligence on Israel’s nuclear program comes after a three year legal battle by journalist Grant Smith, Israel Hayom reported. Smith is the head of a Washington think-tank is known for his extreme anti-Israel sentiments. In spite of some theories that the information was released as part of a revenge tactic by the Obama administration for Netanyahu’s speech to Congress, a White House spokesperson said that Israel did not object to the release of the information, and that according to the freedom of information act, the US government had to release the information unless a foreign government objects to its release. Israel apparently did not object to the information’s release. The move also comes as the US is coming ever closer to an agreement regarding the Iranian nuclear program with the state that funds terrorist organizations that have vowed to destroy Israel and other western countries. The impending agreement has been highly criticized by Israel for many years." - Breaking Israel News. March 30, 2015. 10:10 am

So after all these years, the US government is now declassifying the so called 'Israel nuclear deal'.  All these only point to one fact that the US and its allies are doing whatever it takes to bring Israel down. Now the world can see that Israel is not that clear; they have secrets and one of them is what we are bringing out; Israel is not to be trusted. You may call me a fanatic because I'm not making any valid argument and all my claims and accusations are baseless. Well, you may be right in seeing me through a spectacle like that, but let me ask, why should the pentagon declassify only the part of the document that contains Israel's deal only? There are others involved in this but only Israel gets to pay for her sins! 
What exactly is the future of Israel in these occurrences? If this is a war between the two historic nations, I am sure we all will be convinced that the US will overpower Israel in every angle, but we should also remember that Israel, willy-nilly, is God's own nation and I have never heard or read anywhere that He has ever let them down, so no matter how powerful the US is I will advice that they deal carefully with Israel for their own good. Historically, Egypt who by then was the world's super power dealt wickedly with Israel for 400 years but God came into play and all was said and done the nation Israel, went away victoriously - It may seem for a time that Israel is losing or God has forsaken them, but trust me when I say that after all is said and done, Israel will walk away with victory.

Netanyahu Warns World Ignoring Signs of True Intentions of Iran

"As global powers are set to gather in Switzerland on Monday to resume nuclear negotiations, here in Israel the prime minister is warning that the new deal “paves Iran’s way to the bomb.” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told a delegation of visiting US senators in Jerusalem on Sunday that the P5+1’s bad deal with the Islamic Republic is a major concern for Israel and other Middle Eastern countries.
“We are very much concerned for our common interests by the developments in the Middle East,” Netanyahu told the senators, who are on a visit led by Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY).
“As we are speaking, Iran is rampaging through Yemen; it is conquering the Middle East. This is seen by all countries in the Middle East as a strategic move to dominate the region and therefore we are witnessing something quite unprecedented.”

Netanyahu questioned by Western powers negotiating with Iran are not taking into account the current aggression and uprisings the country is supporting in nearby Yemen. “And as Israel and the Arab countries see Iran progressing with its aggression to conquer Yemen and the Bab el-Mandeb straits, talks continue as usual and go on, on a deal that from everything that we hear paves Iran’s way to the bomb.”
Earlier on Sunday, at the beginning of the weekly cabinet meeting, the prime minister said that the emerging deal was worse than Israel had initially feared. “The Iran-Lausanne-Yemen axis is very dangerous for humanity and must be stopped,” he stated. Negotiators from the US, United Kingdom, Russia, China, France and Germany will attempt to resolve issues that still remain with Iran on Monday. Both Western and Iranian officials are scrambling to meet a March 31 deadline. A senior Iranian negotiator told AFP that certain outstanding issues have yet to be dealt with. “No deal has been reached, and the remaining issues have to be resolved,” he said.
Deadly nuclear weapons
One of the major issues yet to be resolved is the number of centrifuges Iran will be allowed to operate. Iran is said to be considering further cuts to its uranium enrichment program. However, the Islamic Republic is not budging on how long it must limit its access to technology that could be used to make nuclear weapons.
During a break from talks, US Secretary of State told media present in Lausanne, “It’s going all right. We’re working.” His French counterpart, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, said that talks were in the “endgame.”
Israel’s Interior Minister, Gilad Erdan, expressed optimism that there could still be time to influence the terms of the final deal, which had a deadline set for the end of June.
“It’s true that a deal is close, and there is a chance that an agreement on basic principles will be reached in the coming days,” Erdan told Army Radio. “But until the final agreement, which is supposed to be signed with Iran by the end of June, there are still a wide range of diplomatic options.”
“If, God forbid, it happens, Israel will also be required to reassess the whole resulting security situation,” he added." - Breaking Israel New - March 30, 201. 11:00 am

It sounds like the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, is threatened by Iran becoming a nuclear power. Off course he should be threatened because should Iran become a nuclear power, any harm that will be done Iranian government (Whose origin is from Persia), as far as nuclear weapons are concerned, will first be targeted to Israel. You these things are bible prophesies; the Islamic nation will always be against the Jewish nation and the will forever do harm to believers of Jesus Christ not because they are terrorists, but because the bible prophesied so. When God spoke to Haggai, the mother of Ishmael who is a probable and very likely ancestor of the the Islamic nations, He mentioned also that he will stand against everybody not only Israel. What the world powers who may think running behind Iran to become a nuclear power is a fight against Israel only may not realised is that, when Islam stands in their full belief of Jihad, they will not be destroying only Israel but the whole world. Just as Adolf Hitler did to the Jews, and we all know what the results were. The US knowing very well by then that they could have done something to stop Adolf Hitler, did nothing perhaps for the fear of him, but they bear the guilty conscience today hence they hid under the guise of protecting and supporting Israel to purge their guilty conscience. History may repeat itself if nothing is done about this situation. 
The stand of Ekklesia is very clear in this matter - Iran becoming a nuclear power is not a threat to Israel alone but a threat to all of us. Please share this to alert people and all believers should pray about this situation because until the battle of Armageddon, we need a peaceful world to live in and do the perfect will of God.

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