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Friday 17 October 2014

Eternal Resolution

  Now this book I received from the Master
    When I arrived, they said His Son should help me read
Just to gain the needed acumen

To hell with Him! I know better
Upside down, on the book, with my wisdom I feed
 So His will strongly I must stern

I will adulterate His book forever
Though they said He lost His only son to sow its seed
But nothing from this I can learn

To mock His glorious pain my choice rather
To scoff the eternal existence my discovery and witty deed
But they said His love, for me, will still yearn

So He shouted my beloved pilgrim! Come nearer!
The teachings of my son are eternal! To Him you must heed
Now I know foolish is my book and my pen

two cities
            Remember time is running faster
        But my arms are still open, just a little longer
            The earlier you subdue, the better
 Look! The clock is ticking faster and faster and faster!
            And you are drawing nearer and nearer
            To the boat on that River
            Between you and the Cities afar.

     So my weeping grew stronger,
     Within my new melted heart,
            I turned around and start o’er
    The world and I now apart.


                                                             General Joe

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