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Monday 16 March 2015

The significance of the Torah in the mysterious blood moon eclipse - A new insight to the Issue

The Torah
The Torah [Torah (/ˈtɔːrəˌˈtrə/; Hebrew: תּוֹרָה, "Instruction, Teaching"), or the Pentateuch (/ˈpɛntəˌtk, -ˌtjk/)] is the original written of Jehovah - the part of the Bible that states the Lord is derived from the Torah. This sacred book of the Jewish history has become the main source of  reference to Judaism as the Bible is to Christianity. The Jews believed that the Torah was given to Moses by God and this Torah alone is what contains the will and the mind of God. 
We Christians on the other hand believe that the Torah does not contain the entire redemption plan of God, at least that what I believe. The Torah, however, contains some answers that we need as Christians to fully comprehend the total redemption plan of God. But when it comes to symbols and signs - a very significant way of God's communication in both the Bible and the Torah- we need to go back to the Torah if we want to fully understand these signs and symbols. 


There are certain things in the Bible, for reasons I cannot explain due to my limitation as a man, are stated in codes and in symbols. Especially matters concerning the end time. In the book of revelation some of these symbols are the seven seals, the seven lamp stands, the seven stars, the trumpets and others. Most Christians today will always refer to revelations when matters of the end time are being discussed, but it is an inevitable truth that, revelations is just a summary or the gist of all the coded prophesies given to Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Joel, Daniel etc. Therefore if we as Christians want to fully comprehend the issues of the end time, which we must, we need to pay much attention to the old testament and most importantly the Torah. The Bible makes it clear that the secret of the Lord is with those that fear Him, and as at the time the Torah was given only the Children of Israel knew something about the fear of the Lord, so if we need to get much insight about this things we need to look in the direction of the Torah. It is rather a pity that the Jews (those still practicing Judaism) view the Torah as a mere book of laws that they are to obey, being blinded from the meanings and explications that are embedded in this sacred book. In the Torah colours, numbers, dressing codes, buildings, days of the month and many more are all symbols of the reality as the passover lamb is a symbol of the reality which is Christ. Having said that, I stand on the same grounds with Pastor Mark Biltz in this matter:

For centuries, the weekly Torah portion was the exclusive domain of the Jewish people. However, non-Jews have recently started to look into the Torah portion for instruction and meaning as well. Prominent Christian leaders told Breaking Israel News they have found connections to the upcoming solar eclipse in Saturday’s Torah portion and its modern day implications. “The time has come when non-Jews are realizing they have been taught lies. Why would people want a counterfeit when there is an original? We study the Torah portions to connect with the Jews all over world and because we believe the Torah is still relevant today,” Pastor Mark Biltz, the bestselling author of “Blood Moons,” told Breaking Israel News. “I bring in commentaries by Rashi, Rambam, Ramban and others because of the incredible insights. Non-Jews are discovering what they have missed by not studying in context.”
“I have always heard from my Israeli Jewish friends how the Torah portion has been shown over and over again to be relevant to current events in Israel,”  explained Bob O’Dell, co-founder of Root-Source, “and now I am starting to see it for myself.”
O’Dell, a student of astronomy for the last 35 years, discovered this upcoming Friday’s exceedingly rare North Pole eclipse, as first reported by Breaking Israel News.
The total solar eclipse will take place over the North Pole on Friday, March 20, coinciding with the beginning of the Hebrew month of Nissan, the first month in the Biblical calendar year. The particular timing of Friday’s solar occurrence has never happened before in human history. Continue reading...

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