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Monday 16 February 2015



Psalms 30:5 – “For His anger endures but a moment; in His favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.”

THE BOOK OF PSALMS is not only the largest book of the Bible, but Psalms is also Earth’s first songbook. The Hebrew word is sepher tehillm, which means, “the book of praises.” In the Greek the title is Psalmoi, which means “songs.” The theme of Psalms is trust, worship, and praise; consequently, worship and praise of God should characterize the majority of our communion and fellowship with the Lord. The book of Psalms contains five books corresponding to the five books of the  Pentateuch and to the five books of the Apocalypse - the book of Revelation. They are as follows:
  •  Book One (Psalms 1-41): Genesis; Revelation 1-3
  •  Book Two (Psalms 42-72): Exodus; Revelation 4-9
  •  Book Three (Psalms 73-89): Leviticus; Revelation 10-11
  • Book Four (Psalms 90-106): Numbers; Revelation 12-18
  • Book Five (Psalms 107-150): Deuteronomy; Revelation 19-22

This verse has been a great comfort to saints of God throughout time; however, before we address the wonderful truth and encouragement of this verse, it is important to note that this verse is actually a prophecy concerning Israel.


Most believers don’t realize that Psalms is also a book of prophecy concerning the perfections, the sufferings, and the succeeding glories of the Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ. The prophetic meaning of the verse pertains to Israel during the millennial reign of Christ. For more than 2,000 years, Israel has been weeping due to her rejection of Jesus Christ as Messiah. But at the end of the battle of Armageddon, Israel will finally accept Christ as the Messiah, and her weeping will be turned to joy. There is much more that could be said, but space dictates that I move on to the meaning of this verse as it concerns believers today.


Sin is the primary cause of God’s anger, as all sin is against God no matter how it is carried out. Israel’s sin was their rejection of Christ, and actually, any sin on our part could be looked at as rejection of God, His Word, His will, His way, and His holiness. When we step out of faith and into flesh, which always plays out to some kind of failure, the Lord grows angry and, as a parent disciplines a wayward child, so too does the Lord chastises us. Hebrews 12:6 says, “For whom the Lord loves He chastens.” This is done not out of spite but because of His great love for us. But we have His promise in this verse that such anger will endure only for a moment.The purpose of chastisement is to bring us back to proper relationship and fellowship. Chastisement forces us to look honestly at our hearts; it forces us to see how much we have grieved the Holy Spirit.


How does one have favor with God? Is it by the doing of good works, certain deeds, church attendance, etc.? The answer is no. The way, and the only way, we can have the favor of God is by the expression of our faith in Christ and what he has done for us at the Cross. As you may have heard over and over, Jesus Christ is the source of all good things from God, while the Cross is the means. The word favor as used here means “to be kindly and tenderly affected toward; to show mercy, as an inward disposition.” So his chastisement is really an expression of God’s love and God’s mercy and grace. The word life as used in this verse means “alive, lively; having vital energy or life.” 
George Williams translates this portion of the verse thus:  “For a moment His anger; for a lifetime His favor.”


This portion of the text plainly tells us that the believer will, at times, endure great trials and problems. No one is immune from weeping and travail of soul. Life does bring hardships and conflict, but notice, the Lord plainly states that whatever one is facing or going through, it is not forever. It may seem to us that it is ongoing, but it will pass.Beleaguered Christian, don’t lose faith and don’t give up, for the night always turns into morning. The word joy as expressed in this verse means “a shout of joy; a cry of joy; singing.” Williams translates the phrase thus: “Weeping may come in to lodge at even, but singing comes to dwell in the morning.” Only the Lord can turn our weeping into singing. You may be going through a trial of affliction that has brought weeping, but it will pass. Morning is coming, and our weeping will be turned into singing.

I am very glad the Lord has given you life once again and that you also, by reading this message,communed  with Him in the beauty of His holiness. Be blessed beyond measure as you partook His comfort and peace this morning. To those who are troubled, I am using this message to comfort you in Jesus name; and as a special friend will say: 
"Everything's gonna be alright... Everything's is gonna be ok"

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