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Wednesday 12 November 2014


Ecclesiastes 3:1 (NKJV): 'To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven'

To really enjoy the life you are living, you must know how to handle time and the different seasons that you will go through. Change is a constant in life. Every day, week, month and year introduces new things in your life. You will neither be on a constant high nor on a constant low. There will be seasons of dryness and seasons of fruitfulness. Each season has its purpose and works to make you appreciate God's grace towards you in different situations. When you are up, He is there with you and when you are down, He also stays with you. Place the seasons of your life in God's hands. Ask God to transform your

attitude and bring positive results out of negative situations as you travel through life's seasons. Rely on God's unchanging power in the midst of changes you experience in all aspects of your life rather than battling the season you currently find yourself in; ask God what He wants you to learn from it and trust Him to give you the encouragement and strength you need.Know that, while life is unpredictable, your faith in God will always stand.

Use your time wisely

Regularly remind yourself of how fragile and fleeting life on earth can be, and that every day is a gift from God. Don't fall into the trap of being lazy or too driven - missing out on God's best for you. Ask God to give you wisdom to use your time each  day as He would like you to use it, according to His purpose for your life.One thing that we should aways remember is that, we serve a God who is able to take  people the world sees as ordinary and transform them into winners. No matter where you are starting from, commit to this process of lifelong transformation. Take time to prayerfully and thoughtfully write out this plan.
Believe with all your heart that God is with you and is committed to give you the victory He promised. Keep your plan close by and let it guide your actions every day. Remain faithful to God and as the  years come and go you will see your life blossom as you climb all the way to the top. Also remember that you were created for a purpose - to worship God. Everything you do (your carrier in life, marriage, the company you keep and others of the same domain)
should be in consistent with this purpose. But what does it actually mean to worship?

The purpose of life

Psalm 66:4 (NKJV)
 'All the earth shall worship you and sing praises to you; they shall sing praises to your name'
The ultimate purpose of our lives is to worship God. We were created to worship. God created us in His own image and likeness so that we will declare His glory. We together with all nature are a revelation of the magnificent splendor of God Almighty, the creator of heaven and earth. When God looks at your life, does He see genuine worship? Is your life declaring the praises of God? The bottom line is that each of us was made to worship God, and until we come to the realisation of this purpose, which is to worship God and enjoy Him forever, we will always be struggling; we will always be frustrated because we have deviatedfrom the central purpose of life.

It is impossible to be a productive, positive Christian without living a meaningful, genuine life of worship. We are not just talking about corporate worship here. Worship is something more than singing and lifting up hands to heaven. Worship is a lifestyle. It is an attitude that we carry with us day by day. It is an attitude that reveals the inner heart and recognizes the value we place on God in our lives. It is a life lived in response to the grace and mercy God has so lavishly poured on us through Jesus Christ our Lord. Worship is the total surrender of our will, yes, even our very life to God.  It is living a life dedicated to the glory and honour of
God. Looking at what God has done for you in Christ, what kind of life should you be living?
It is only reasonable that, because of what God has done for you in Christ, you offer your life as a living sacrifice to God. So today, resolve in your heart to make your life that of a
worship to God in the rest of your life. God bless you richly, increase and guide you for the establishment of your eternal purpose and yourself.

Prayer: Lord, I thank you that wherever I am, You are there with me; help me to trust You daily and cause my life, Lord Jesus, to be
a ceaseless flow of worship to you so that my purpose for life shall be fufilled in Jesus name. Amen

Scriptural Reading: Psalm 66:1-20 and Ecclesiastes 3:1-8.

Today's daily bread is brought to us by:     Bro. Daniel Gyedu (SSWOSA VP - KNUST)
                              ECCOM! We are Family; We are One


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