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Monday 27 October 2014



Yesterday the meeting (Church) was very great and powerful. I really enjoyed the meeting
because the Lord spoke to me directly as the message was going on. The Lord reminded me of the vision and how sluggish I have become toward it. I knew I had a vision from the Lord, I was so zealous to see it come to pass at the beginning, but it became obvious to me yesterday that my fire was going out and the Lord had to come in. I know I’m not the only one; we all have visions the Lord want us to accomplish. This morning, my testimony is about the vision of the Lord. (The Work) God has a vision that He want us all to play a part in – How wonderful to be a worker with the creator of the universe in the realisation of His vision – but this big vision is what must give us our visions or our burdens, in other words, let our visions be the subset of God’s vision.

The Work

 Nehemiah 2:12  And I arose in the night, I and some few men with me; neither told I [any] man what my God had put in my heart to do at Jerusalem: neither [was there any] beast with me, save the beast that I rode upon.
Nehemiah said he have not any man what God had put on his heart. The Lord placed something on Nehemiah’s heart (the vision) and this made him zealous for God, he became very determine to achieve something for the Lord (not anything but what the Lord put on his heart). It is evident that any Christian who has no vision within this Great Vision of the Lord, though might be save will not have a full experience and enjoyment of the Lord. Our enjoyment or fellowship with the Lord is mostly triggered by the vision we have in the Lord’s Vision. Bringing this vision the Lord gave us to reality is what the work is all about, is what our flesh struggle with and is what the devil will not see happen.
Brethren in the Lord, this morning my encouragement to us all is for us to pray to the Lord for a Godly vision, the exact part the Lord want us to play in Vision. Because until we discover this divine work, our fellowship with the Lord is not going to be complete. The vision is what make us part of God’s plan. We are not in the church just to sing, pray and pray read but also to accomplish the reason we are here.

Phil 3:8  Yea doubtless, and I count all things [but] loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them [but] dung, that I may win Christ

When Paul saw the revelation of Jesus Christ, he was completely transformed. But he also had a vision of being an instrument the Lord can use in the establishment of the Church in the gentile nations. Paul was lucky to hear known his mission after he had a vision of the Lord. Let us get closer to the Lord for our Godly vision and mission in the accomplishment of His Vision.

Work and Job

Most of us are very obsessed with getting good jobs, we want to prosper in life, and we
want to be very rich and so on, don’t misunderstand me, these are not bad intentions at all. But most times we seem to confuse these two words: job and work. It is true that after schooling we all need good jobs to start a good life and make money to cater for our love ones and perhaps the church, but we need work to make an impact the lives of other.
Spiritually, our vision of the Lord gives us our mission in the Church and our mission in the Church must give us our work. The work is for a life time but the job is within a period of time; the work is nobler than the job. What is your mission in the Church? Have you got a work out of it? Paul’s vision was Jesus and Him crucified, his mission was the gentiles and his work was apostleship to the churches but he was also a tent maker (a job perhaps).
When it comes to vision, we all must have a revelation of Jesus Christ and his vision; when it comes to mission, we all must have a divine revelation of the state of the church (as Nehemiah did to the walls of Jerusalem) and be zealous to lift the standard. But when it comes to work we are very different, (NB: don’t confuse the work with the gifts of the spirit – the work is what we do practically, in our life time, to build the church whiles the gifts are what help us to function spiritually as members of the body of Christ.) some are to be leaders others followers/helpers, I will explain:
Let us consider the family, God made man to have dominion over the earth, but the woman he made to help him do that.
Gen 2:18  And the LORD God said, [It is] not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.
The question then arises, what is the woman helping the man with? Certainly his work. In this case we can say the woman’s main work in the church is to help the man do the work God committed into his hands hence the women in this sense are not left out at all. Woman if your husband fail in his work, you fail too, its automatic.
Man if you are not working (for the Church – not your job) you don’t deserve a woman in the first place because you will make her useless.

God richly bless you as you read this message. This message will continue tomorrow come around and be bless.

ECCOM – We are Family; We are one.

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