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Thursday 12 March 2015

Release of 52 Assyrian Christian Families, Captured By ISIS, Delayed after Bombing; Yet They Refuse to Abandon Their Faith

Muslims persecuting a Christian
Last time, at the Church's meeting, one of the brethren asked is persecution of Christians really taking place in the world? I was like day in day out the enemy persecutes us in various ways. He can play tricks on our mind and cause us to sin - a way of denouncing Christ and listening to the devil, he also deceives us with physical sufferings and so on, you know, these kind of stuff. But the hard truth is persecution is on the way coming, is already here. The Islamic nations are rising against Christians all over the world. We are just fortunate in this part of the world to be free to worship the Lord. These group of people were captured, no one even knew they were Christians, no one knew their pain. It was after they lose their families and love ones, suffered pain and massive torture whiles under detention that their rescuers realise that they were Christians who were forced to denounce their faith and convert to Islam.

Ask if you want to, is the devil using Islam to persecute the Church? Well may be, but the main reason Islam all over the world is persecuting the church has a lot to do with Bible prophesy. We as Christians are today's Israel (The nation will rise again though, in power and in strength as in the old times). And we and God has forsaken His children (or His first born because we are all the children of God) through Christ to pay much attention to the gentile nations (that is us). So we Christians all over the world are enjoying the blessings of Abraham for now until the rapture. God use Christ to represent Israel, When God forsook Christ on the cross, He did same to Israel as a nation but turn through the blood of Christ to all mankind personally - all those who will accept the lamb of God Jesus as their Lord and master saviour, including the children of Israel. But the Lord is not dealing with Israel as a nation for now, He is dealing with Christians, whether Jew or gentile. A time is coming when God will focus on Israel as a nation and He will deliver them because they belong to the blood line of Abraham. But now all of us are adopted into the blood line of Abraham, Therefore through Christ we are enjoying the blessings of Abraham; this is the major reason for the persecution of the Church today. The Bible
prophesy concerning Islamic nations who have their source from Ishmael states:
"And the angel of the Lord said unto her, I will multiply their seed exceedingly, that it shall not be numbered for multitude.
And the angel of the Lord said unto her, Behold, thou art with a child, and shall bear a son, and shall call his name Ishmael; because the Lord hath heard their affliction.
And he shall be a wild man his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren." - Gen. 16: 10 - 12.
Hagar and Ishmael
 The Lord promise to multiply the seed of Hagar and we can see how Islam like Christianity has taken over all the world. Today every democratic nation is against the Islamic nations in respect to their political believes. And Islam is against most nations in respect to their religious believes. Even the geographical location of the main Islamic nations goes a long way to confirm the biblical prophesy - He shall dwell among his brethren - we can also see the traces of these part of the prophesy in the so called 'Zongo' and 'Salem' a Muslim and Christian community respectively. Almost every part of the the world has the mixture of both Christians and Muslims; the prophesy is he will dwell among his brethren. 

The persecution of Christians continue. Here is a story of Muslims persecuting Christians:
According to the Vatican ambassador in Damascus, Mario Zinari, 52 Assyrian families who were captured by ISIS and who were supposed to be freed yesterday have not been released because Kurdish forces bombed the caravan containing the families. After the bombing ISIS decided to delay their release. There is no information on whether ISIS intends to go through with their release. (photo: Assyrians in Los Angeles, U.S.A. demonstrate in support of Assyrians in Syria/Assyrian Enterprise/via Christian Post)
It is not clear why Kurdish forces bombed the Assyrian hostages' caravan.
[Earlier this week] AsiaNews reported that 52 Assyrian families had been freed. Continue reading...

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