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Thursday 12 March 2015

Atheist surprised when God answersed his prayers

 Most people like this atheist will want a prove that God exist before they surrender their will to Him.
The Bible says blessed are those who did not see but believed. There is going to be a great reward for all those who will simply trust the Lord out of a pure and a humble heart. Count yourself blessed if you fall among this group of people. The Lord is not a lab rat that you can experiment before you believe He exists. He is God the creator of the heavens and the earth. Some times we think about what people will say if we confess our faith in the Lord because of how high in esteem people held us. But Jesus knew all these will crop up one day so He said anyone who deny me the presence of men I will deny before my father. The disbelieve in God does make anyone more wiser; the Bible says the FOOL said in his heart there is no God.

This is God showing another atheist that His foolishness is wiser than the wisdom of all men.
Clay Lein was a former atheist who needed substantive proof and logical reasoning before he would believe anything. So for most of his life, he did not believe in God
. "I had a very rational mind. It had to be logical. I needed proof. There had to be evidence. And if there wasn't proof then it was just something people made up," 
Lein told KHOU Channel 11 News. And things were going pretty well with Lein - he had a successful career and a loving wife so he figured that there was no need to believe in God even though many others did.
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Jesus is alive and we don't need any scientist to prove that to us; we already know that; everyday of our lives is full of experiences with Him. We enjoy the Lord daily because we opened our hearts to Him. The tomb is empty and we Know our Jesus lives.

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